Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 45 - 7 – Psychic Falcon

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling cried, ‘Bad!’ at the same time, knowing that Ba Fenghan was unable to see what is true and what is false of the opposite side.

Bi Xuan laughed aloud, both hands closed in to form a punch, sending out a fiercely blast toward the empty space in front of him, ‘Pow! producing a loud muffled explosion.

But Ba Fenghan, standing two zhang away, was like being struck by a thunder; severely shaken, he staggered half a step back, the Stealing the Heaven Sword created a ‘Qiang!’ sound.

Bi Xuan laughed calmly and said, “Let’s conclude the last move here! You go back and train well, next time don’t let me kill you.”

The warriors on both sides exhausted their strength to shout and cheer loudly. For the officers and soldiers on the Sumo side, it was because Ba Fenghan succeeded in crossing the barrier, in protecting their young master Da Zuorong; for the other side, it was because while occupying the upper hand, Bi Xuan let Ba Fenghan off, plus anybody would know that if they were fighting without any limitation, there was no doubt that in the end Ba Fenghan would die. Because Bi Xuan did not use the tenth move in full, not only it did not damage his fame for fighting prowess, it also showed his magnanimous broad-mindedness as a grandmaster.

Amidst the sound of shouting passing through inside and outside the City of Longquan, the sky gradually turned white. The long and treacherous night was finally over. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Accompanied by Zong Xianghua, Kou Zhong, with stupefied expression, urged the Thousand-Li Dream to gallop out of the Vermilion Palace Gate, heading toward the east gate.

Shang Xiufang politely declined his offer to return to the Central Earth together by boat. She persisted in spending a period of time to roam the area outside the Great Wall, she even did not take his criticism on Da Ming Zun Jiao to her fragrant heart, showing that she must have adoration and favorable impression on this demonic man who was adept in both pen and sword. Kou Zhong knew that it was difficult for him to match. Liexia was proficient in music, plus he had spent some time to study the music of various ethnic groups outside the Great Wall; he had such a strong attractive force toward her.

Zong Xianghua spoke in low voice, “Shaoshuai’s benevolence to Sumo people, we will never forget.”

In accordance with the agreement, Xieli’s main forces withdrew immediately, leaving Pusa, who was trusted by both sides, to be in charge of supervising the Sumo people dismantling the city wall and handling over the debt, which Pusa also had to deliver to the Tujue. Translated by foxs

The entire Longquan was still mourning the passing of Bai Ziting and Funantuo, the citizens of the city followed the orders to stay inside their homes as much as possible, hence the pedestrians on the street were sparse, quiet, cold, few and far between.

Looking at Zong Xianghua, Kou Zhong said, “I wonder if Zong Shiwei Zhang is aware that Yin Xianhe mistook you for his little sister, who has been missing for many years?”

Zong Xianghua was slightly stunned.

Kou Zhong explained one time through. Noticing that she was listening absent-mindedly, he knew that she was in a vile frame of mind. Comforting her, he said, “In the end Da Wang made the most intelligent choice by sacrificing his life to save his clansmen, and thus he won everybody’s respect. Therefore, as long as you support Da Zuorong well, there will come a day where you will return to the office after living as a hermit on Mount Dong [idiom: making a comeback]. Zong Shiwei Zhang must not take temporary gains and losses to heart.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Zong Xianghua sighed and said, “This time our losses are disastrous, and afterwards we still have to deal with Tujue people’s harsh demands. Only because of your relationship with Tuli, Pusa and Gunatai brothers that Xieli let us off for the time being, but he could still support others in the dark to oppress us, making it difficult for us to find a place where we can fit in in the northeast.”

Kou Zhong spoke seriously, “That is precisely one of the reasons I said that you could return to the office after living as a hermit on Mount Dong. In order to survive, you must strive unremittingly. Previously, Da Wang’s approach was indeed correct, but his means was incorrect, plus he falsely believed in a demon. Your place in the prairie is actually blessed by heaven, Bohai Bay has so many seaports and wharfs, which give you control over the lifeline of sea transport. As long as you are willing to run a big shipping business, you certainly can continue to revive. When I go back, I will let Da Xiaojie know. Under mutually beneficial agreement, she could bring you great amount of profits. With wealth comes influence, why would you be afraid of Abaojia, Tiefuyou, and the like? As for Tujue people, currently their main objective is unifying various tribes of the prairie, and then launching large-scale invasion to the Central Earth. If you could make full use of this golden opportunity bestowed by heaven, you will surely accomplish great things.”

The east gate was in sight. Xu Ziling, Ba Fenghan, and Song Shidao, leading along their horses, were waiting for him.

Listening to him, Zong Xianghua’s spirit was greatly aroused. Her pretty eyes brightened up, she nodded and said, “Thank you very much for Shaoshuai’s directions. We will definitely not fail Shaoshuai’s hope.”

Kou Zhong patted his horse’s buttocks to speed up; laughing heartily, he said, “Zong Shiwei Zhang, no need to see me off! If I don’t die in the battle at Luoyang, when Zong Shiwei Zhang come to the Central Plain on a scenic tour, make sure you come visit me.” Translated by foxs

Zong Xianghua reined her horse and cupped her fist to bid him farewell. She watched as Xu Ziling, three men, flew onto their horses and then together with Kou Zhong, they galloped out of the east gate like a whirlwind, and disappeared in the prairie under the bright afternoon sun.

(Author’s note: Sumo people were the ancestors of Manchu Jurchen people. Later on Da Zuorong [Dae Joyeong], indeed like Kou Zhong predicted, established his kingdom. During Xuanzong’s reign, he received the title Hu Han Zhou Dudu, Zuo Xiao Wei Dajiangjun, Bohai Jun Wang [lit. Hu Khan (or Huhan?) prefecture commander-in-chief, left brave protector great general, king of Bohai] bestowed by Tang Xuanzong [685-762, also known as Emperor Ming of Tang, seventh emperor of Tang, reigned 712-756], thereupon he changed the official name of his kingdom to ‘Bohai’, and thus he accomplished Bai Ziting’s great aspiration.)

The four men urged their horses at full speed, galloping toward the Little Longquan.

Under the hoofs of their horses, the prairie was flying backward swiftly, all four of them felt their spirit relaxed, their mind free from worry; they were delighted that the trip has not been made in vain.

Song Shidao shouted loudly, “Are you going to really go immediately and don’t want to even say hello to Tuli?” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong spoke hatefully, “It would be better not to meet; I am afraid I won’t be able to bear not to quarrel with him.”

Sneering, Ba Fenghan said, “Is there anything good to quarrel about? Even if you do, what might possibly be changed by quarreling?”

Xu Ziling was the first to reach the top of a small hill. He reined in his horse to stop and looked into the distance at the direction of Little Longquan. Yesterday morning, it was precisely on this higher ground at the edge of this forest that they were discussing the grand plan to attack Little Longquan.

One after another the three pulled the reins and came to Xu Ziling’s left and right. The latter sighed and said, “Unless we change plan to return to Shanhai Pass by land route, we cannot but see Tuli.”

The three fixed their gaze and realized that they had no choice but to agree. Turned out the plains all around Little Longquan and the stone fort were full with newly erected army tents. Under the illumination of the setting sun, the Black Wolf Army banner was flying high in the air, creating flapping noise as it was blown by the straight wind coming from the gulf.

Unexpectedly Tuli was waiting respectfully for their good-selves in here.

Ba Fenghan sighed and said, “Looks like even though I wanted to stay with you a bit longer, I can’t. Please send my regards to Da Xiaojie, we’ll meet again in Luoyang!”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “You simply say you want to leave and you leave immediately? Ha! His granny’s bear, our trip to the prairie this time is certainly extremely delightful. In my opinion, Bi Xuan did not fully use the tenth move simply because he wanted to hide his disgrace.”

Ba Fenghan let out a cold snort, “I hope the battle to defend Luoyang will not disappoint me. As long as I have another year to train, I will make Bi Xuan regret his heroism.” Translated by foxs

Song Shidao cheerfully said, “Choosing martial art way as self-cultivation is indeed brilliant. This time you all devoting yourself to self-cultivation in the prairie, it will establish your lofty status inside and outside the Great Wall, but the most impressive thing is still the ten-move decisive battle between Fenghan and Bi Xuan.”

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “But the happiest one is neither me nor Kou Zhong, but Ling Shao. He fell into the river of love together with Shi Xianzi, and now he is going to step into another happy journey through ten thousand crags and torrents to deliver the jade Xiao to another Shi Xianzi.”

“I am the happiest?” Xu Ziling blurted out.

Song Shidao expressed his feelings, “One who is at home wherever he is, one who does not take gains and losses to heart, one who does not compare oneself with others – will be able to pass his time a bit easier.”

Emotionally moved, Kou Zhong said, “ErGe’s remark contains deep philosophic theory and provide food for thought. I wonder if after all these things ErGe is going to go back to Lingnan?” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Shaking his head, Song Shidao said, “If I go home, I am afraid I’ll never be able to step out of the house again.”

Kou Zhong signaled Xu Ziling with his eyes, asking him to think of something. Xu Ziling’s heart was moved, he said, “I wonder if ErGe could help me to deal with human traffickers first before going back to the small valley to accompany Niang?”

Heaving a sigh, Song Shidao spoke indifferently, “I understand your intention. Ay! Let me think about it! You guys really understand me.”

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “Brothers! I am leaving!” Pulling the rein to turn horse’s head, he let out a whistle, and spurred his ride to start moving.

Kou Zhong looked on as his figure was disappearing inside the forest. He asked Xu Ziling, “How heavy is Old Ba’s injury?”

Xu Ziling said, “For someone with Huan Ri Da Fa, as long as he is not dead, any injury will not pose any problem. When you went into the palace to see Shang Xiufang, I already helped him treating his injury, he is about seventy-, eighty-percent recovered. No need to worry.”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “In that case, let’s go!”

The three passed through the camp entrance. When Tuli’s personal guards saw them, none did not call out and salute; their manner was respectful and amiable.

They went straight to the open space in front of the main tent. Tuli was talking with the Gunatai brothers, Yuekepeng, Ke Zhuan, and so on. Seeing the three’s arrival, immediately his pair of eyes lit up. Laughing heartily, he said, “My good brothers are coming!” Translated by foxs

Song Shidao had met him in Luoyang, so they were old acquaintances as well.

The three flew off their horses, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling both felt that the muscles on their faces suddenly became stiff, they were unable to squeeze even half a smile in response.

Tuli ushered the crowd to come inside. From his posture, it appeared that he originally wanted to embrace the two boys, but seeing their wooden expression, he hurriedly stopped and change his tune, “Where’s Fenghan?” he asked.

“He’s gone!” Kou Zhong replied coldly.

Gunatai brothers, Yuekepeng and the others felt the peculiar mood between the two sides, they stepped aside to give them some space to speak.

Tuli sighed and said, “You are blaming me?”

After greeting him, without saying anything else Song Shidao walked over toward the Gunatai brothers and the others to introduce himself, leaving the three you look at me I gaze at you. The atmosphere was heavy and awkward, an uncomfortable feeling where nobody knew what to say. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong spread out his hands and said, “How do you think we ought to treat you? Painstakingly you and us defeated Xieli, yet you swing your tail and go to establish friendly relations with Xieli. Last night we were relying on you to help us negotiating conditions with Xieli, yet you hid yourself and took a rest in Little Longquan, letting us emerge and perish on your own. Opening your mouth you say brother, closing your mouth you say brother; what kind of his granny’s brother are you?”

Smiling bitterly, Tuli replied, “In this world, I am afraid only you, Kou Shaoshuai can curse me like this and I, Tuli am not angry. Ay! His Niang, you should know the pressure I am in. Bi Xuan personally came to see me, he wanted me to make a choice between wars, indicating that if I did not want to make peace, Xieli would fully support Bai Ziting, that blockhead. Do you think I can afford to fight a full-scale war on two fronts? One thing goes wrong, Bai Ziting would succeed in unifying various divisions of Mohe, if that happens, which side I must deal with? If I fought Bai Ziting until both sides suffer, the one reaping the benefit will surely be Xieli.”

Xu Ziling did not want he and Kou Zhong to be too rigid, while Tuli was so accommodating, he even suppressed his temper and explained patiently. Nodding his head, he said, “We did not think that thoroughly.”

Tuli sighed and said, “Supposing the victor of the Hulunbuir battle was Ba Fenghan and not Bi Xuan, I would definitely try to persuade my clansmen and Xieli to fight to the end. But the fact was exactly the opposite. My conditions in negotiating peace with Xieli, first of all, he must not deal with you guys. Even if you don’t consider me your brother, in my, Tuli’s eyes, you will always be my good brothers.”

Kou Zhong’s eyelids and countenance slightly relaxed; with only a little bit of anger that was hard to pacify, he said, “Then why did you, fully aware that we were in Longquan, still move your troops together with Xieli to attack, nearly implicating us to death?” Translated by foxs

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Tuli said, “Please excuse my ignorance. Your granny’s, how would I know that you guys wanted to save Longquan’s common people? I thought you wanted to fight against Bai Ziting until you die, I live. I came to besiege the city was precisely to help you guys.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “Very well! You pass this ordeal, but last night you, LaoGe intentionally did not show yourself, what do you say?”

With bitter expression on his face, Tuli said, “You should know that another condition in my reconciliation with Xieli was that Longquan must be razed to the ground, and Bai Ziting and Funantuo’s body would be split apart by five horses. This was agreed in front of all Tujue big tribal chiefs. The words that I, Tuli speak, cannot be without mouth and teeth; if you stand in my position, what would you do? Without any better option you had to accept Bi Xuan’s proposal, let Xieli personally deal with this matter. If he did not do well, then I would have come to discuss it with you. Frankly speaking, I am trying to temporarily stay out of the way; you don’t know how contradictory and painful it is in my heart.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong was silent for half a day. Spreading out his hands, he said, “All right! We all are still brothers, I accept your difficulty.” He hugged Tuli tightly.

All around, the Black Wolf warriors and Gunatai brothers and the others, who had been watching the course of events quietly, immediately burst into applause shaking the entire coastal area.

Tuli then embraced Xu Ziling, before speaking cheerfully, “Shaoshuai, please see the gift Xiongdi [brother] has brought for you.” And then he clapped loudly.

An imposing-looking Tujue big general, with a smile across his whole face, went out of the main tent. The two boys recognized him as the first vanguard general under Tuli’s command, Li Mingshe. They saw a young falcon standing on his outstretched arm, its head covered in leather helmet, a chain pinned on its leg, tying it onto the leather wrist protector. Because its head was covered, it could only lean its head to the left and right to listen to the changes in the surroundings; it looked strangely pitiful.

Upon seeing this, Kou Zhong was greatly delighted, “Is that for me?” he asked.

Bielegunatai and the others crowded over to look at the young falcon.

Tuli wrapped his arm around Kou Zhong’s shoulder, he said, “This is a one-in-a-thousand-one-in-ten-thousand excellent quality falcon, only eight months old. If you can train it according to our method, it will faithfully help Shaoshuai conquer the world and unify the Central Plains – throughout its life.”

Li Mingshe pointed to the helmet and said, “Don’t look down on this leather helmet. Not only it is soft, but it’s also strong and fit perfectly. There is some space inside, so that it does not press on its eyes and face, the measurement cannot miss even a little.” Translated by foxs

And then he lifted out the helmet. None of the crowd did not sigh in praise.

Bugunatai cheered, “Just one look and I know this is a psychic, excellent quality falcon. Look at its eyes! How sharp, exquisite and fierce.”

The falcon flapped its wings, raised its head and swept its gaze over everyone without any sign of fear; it had a heroic beauty of mightily looking at the mother earth.

Tuli cheerfully said, “Training it is not an easy matter at all. First of all we must make it understand what is good for it, what is harmful for it. Look at the fine chain on its leg; just to train it not to peck on it, it already consumed I don’t how much effort and training. Our secret is patience and kindness; to make it feel that you love it dearly, only then it will be loyal to you.”

Tickling it, Kou Zhong asked, “Will it obey me?”

Li Mingshe laughed and said, “I will pass the secret to communicate with falcon to Shaoshuai first, and then I’ll teach Shaoshuai how to train the falcon. One night’s work should be enough.”

Tuli suddenly pulled Kou Zhong to the side and said in low voice, “We all are brothers, so let’s talk straight. This time giving you the falcon, for our tribe, this is a very unusual thing. It’s not a problem to tell other people about any ordinary method of raising the falcon, but communicating with the falcon and special training method, I wonder if Shaoshuai could promise me not to tell anybody else? Of course Ziling is exempt.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong was already full of joy, he vigorously patted Tuli’s shoulder and said, “I give you my word!”

All around suddenly the crowd was clapping and cheering. Turned out Li Mingshe untied the leg chain and let the falcon soared into the air.

The falcon spiraled in the air at about sixty-zhang elevation.

Kou Zhong looked up to watch; the more he watched, the more he fell in love, thinking that in the future, in the sky over Luoyang, the falcon would spiral like that, and would report to him the situation of the Li Clan’s main forces. A hard-to-describe feeling welled up in his heart.

Laotian [God/Heavens] sprinkled another fine drizzle, so that the lights on the stone fort, around the camp, the docks, the shipyard, and the big ships moored on the pier were hazy and dim.

There was some kind of grim and cold feeling of parting sorrow. It was still a couple of sichen before daybreak. At dawn, Kou Zhong and the others would embark the ships to return to the Central Earth. The sheepskin goods were stored inside the hold of the three ships. Ma Ji’s three chests of treasure were divided between Gunatai brothers, Yuekepeng, and Kou Zhong, three parties, as the spoils of war.

Xu Ziling and Tuli went to the farthest dock, away from everybody else, to speak in private, to discuss Badai’er and Ba Fenghan. Translated by foxs

Tuli said, “Ziling rest assured! Nobody understands Ba Fenghan better than Badai’er. She is just upset that Ba Fenghan did not even look for her for many years; too many years! Any feeling could die after that long.”

This moment, carrying his pet falcon, Kou Zhong came to look for them. With a face full of excitement, he blurted out, “Turns out raising falcon is such a profound and challenging subject, and female eagle is more robust, stronger and more ferocious compared to male falcon, and this falcon is precisely female; I wonder if later on I could bring her back to mate, so that she could produce a flock of his Niang’s chicks. See how bright and glossy her feather is, and her claws are as strong as iron. Ha!”

While speaking, he sat down on Tuli’s other side. “What are you guys talking about?” he asked absent-mindedly.

After seeing Shang Xiufang without success, this was the first time that he returned to his bold, uninhibited natural color.

Tuli said, “We talked about a lot of issues. I will watch over Xieli’s side, to ensure Longquan’s safety. After you leave, I will hand over Little Longquan to the Sumo people. You may go back to the Central Plains in peace!”

And then he said, “If you cannot defend Luoyang, you must not let yourself accompanying Wang Shichong to be buried with the city. You have Song Que’s support, you still have great prospects for the future in the south. After gaining steady foothold, you may make a plan to go up north again. This is the most sensible act.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “No, I will defend Luoyang to the death. Otherwise, once Bashu is lost, even Da Luo Jin Xian will find it difficult to stop Li Shimin’s army from going down south.”

And then his heart moved, he asked, “How come we haven’t seen Yin Xianhe, that kid? I wonder if he is as drunk as mud again and forget about the world of the living!”

Xu Ziling could only look at him with wry smile.

Stunned, Tuli asked, “Who’s Yin Xianhe?”

Suddenly they heard the sound of hoof beats coming from afar.

Three men focused their eyes to look; unexpectedly it was the other Tujue young martial art master who shared the same fame as Ba Fenghan, Ke Dazhi.

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