Phoenix Phire

Chapter 593 - Two Thirds

Nix studied the nether creature known as the Corruptor as he advanced closer toward the diffusion chamber. In her hands, she held a grapefruit-sized object that radiated intense energy. One of the tubes that had once been used to remove dragon marrow was outfitted with a square receptacle. He casually flicked a black hand onto her shoulder, resulting in her dropping the object.

"Trying to modify the infusion harness to use the power of corruption? I doubt that will work." Nix spoke calmly, having removed her only chance of escaping intact.

Priscillian has attempted to charm you.

You have resisted charm.

Priscillian has activated Soul Siphon.

You are immune to Nether Spells.

Priscillian has cast [Black Ice: Spear].

Black ice extended from Nix\'s Bone hilts; the crackling power of electricity erupted from the blades as he casually swatting the spear to one side.

Nix has activated [Storm Rider][Chiba\'s Apprentice: 3rd Form]

Combination successful.

Nix appeared behind his target, his blades crossing in an \'X\' pattern as they flashed at Priscillian.

Priscillian has been crippled. (Permanent reduction of agility)

Priscillian has been slowed. (Permanent reduction of movement speed)

Nix leaped free, pursued only by a helpless scream filled with rage and pain.

[Bo\'raz V has successfully carried out a sneak attack]

Earth Shredder has injured you.

[Bo\'raz\' X has landed a critical backstab]

You have been critically Injured.

Nix caught the follow-up strikes on his blades and deflected them; stepping toward the two new combatants, he flowed around the flurry of strikes.

[Elemental Healing][Black Ice Sculpture][Black Ice: Amor]

Triple Combination Successful.

A large portion of your health has been restored.

Bo\'raz X has been encased in Black Ice.

Your body is coated with Black Ice Armor.

"KILL HIM!" Priscillian screamed at Bo\'raz V, while her hands drew a series of complicated runes in the air.

Priscillian has cast [Spell Reversal: Black Ice: Sculpture]


Nix stepped in front of Bo\'raz X and deflected the counterspell before it could free him; his form morphed suddenly as the chants of Bo\'raz V filled the air.

Priscillian has been [Petrified].

The long tail of the basilisk whipped outward, striking Bo\'raz V before he could finish his cast. The blow landed on the caster\'s side with enough strength to send him catapulting into the far wall. The reptile morphed back into a man just as his target landed on the floor.

Bo\'raz V has been stunned.

Nix has cast [Silent Summons][Elemental Fiend: Lightning]

Combination Successful.

Bo\'raz V has been silenced.

Nix snatched Bo\'raz V as he flew towards him and slammed him headfirst into the floor with enough force to shake the room.

Bo\'raz V has been critically injured.

Bo\'raz V has been stunned.

Nix placed a black hand on him before kicking the stunned magic-user aside and ordering his Fiend to attack. The lightning fiend seemed to like Nix\'s last attack and emulated it by picking up Bo\'raz V and body-slamming him onto the floor. The target convulsed helplessly as electrical current coursed through his body.

"The other two-thirds..." Nix frowned at being taken by surprise. Bo\'raz had managed to escape Alpha months earlier by splintering his soul into three parts: empathy, martial, and magic (chapter 369). Empathy had agreed to accompany Eron to Kitsu, where his splintered soul had been shackled.

The steady slamming of Bo\'raz V into the floor echoed in the room as Nix approached the dark seed. Although it pulsed with energy, it was cold to the touch. He glanced around the chamber, his eyes taking in the modifications. Priscillian was obviously a talented artificer. If given enough time, it was possible that she could have circumvented the need for the Verynzai Master Key.

Bo\'raz V has been slain.

Nix glanced at his fiend, who continued to slam the magic-user against the floor even after his demise. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the frenzied fiend and picked up the dark seed. Moving closer, he realized that a second receptacle had replaced one of the infusion probes and was connected directly to the Control Interface.

A surprised Nix paused at the Control Interface; he assumed it was going to be inoperative since the city lacked a power supply; that wasn\'t the case. Not only was the hud screen lit up, but it had been altered with an additional Menu. "Probably operating with minimal power off of residual dragon marrow still in the lines."

[Verynzai System Operations]

1. Security (Offline)

2. Power Grid (Offline)

3. Transportation (Offline)

4. Master Key (Offline)

5. Alternate Menu

a) Artifact Control

b) Power Override

c) Shields

d) Weapon Platforms

e) Gating Platforms

Nix\'s soft whistle echoed in the sudden quiet of the chamber. "She created a new menu and was trying to bring the important systems online." A glance at the petrified Corruptor was enough to spur him into action. He pushed Black Ice into one of his bone hilts and stabbed it through the head of Bo\'raz X.

Bo\'raz X has been slain.

He created a breach and tossed all three bodies into it before following. His group was positioned and ready for action when he stepped into the chamber a moment later.

/Alpha: Pon: Isn\'t that fucknut, Bo\'raz?

Nix nodded as he considered where to stash them. "Two-Thirds of him. I could toss them into the Gemini Temple lower level, but my team is still on a mission there."

/Alpha: Floyd: Who is Bo\'raz?

/Alpha: Pon: Slippery dragon bastard that escaped us when we were looking for the Dragon City Goralpri.

/Alpha: Nix: I\'ve black-handed them. Ideas?

/Alpha: Pon: Fuck-em. I\'ll incinerate them.

/Alpha: Floyd: Agreed.

/Alpha: Sori: Dispatch them, Commander.

Nix nodded in agreement, and a moment later, all three corpses disappeared under the heat of Pon\'s dread flames. These weren\'t common enemies who had crossed them; they were important pieces of Khione\'s power structure.

A few minutes later, Alpha reunited with Bali, Leva, and Ducky. The three women wore the grim expressions of someone surrounded by death.

/Inferno: Nix: Going to open a gate directly to the Bone Fortress. Retrieve the object I need and be ready to return.

/Inferno: Floyd: I\'ll have to suspend our training operations.

/Inferno: Nix: They can take a short break. I\'ll only need it for a few minutes.

/Inferno: Floyd: Understood. I\'ll be ready.

Floyd exited Vespri while the rest of the group gathered close. Nix pulled an object from his inventory and equipped it.

You have equipped the Crown of Bones.

The area in front of the city jail darkened as the buildings in the surrounding blocks seemed to swirl in shadows. Nix felt the Crown pulse in response to the tens of thousands of corpses.

Pon\'s dread flames erupted around him. He didn\'t see any enemy present, but the absolute stillness creeped him out. "If they storm out of the buildings chanting, \'One of Us!\' I\'m gonna burn this city to the ground."

Nix laughed at the old man\'s expression. "Burning an entire city to the ground is harder than you might think..." The heat from Pon\'s dread flames set the group at ease as the Inferno Leader removed a book from his inventory.

You have opened the Book of the Dead.

Thousands of names scrolled across the pages of the opened book. Nix place his hand against the white parchment, immediately turning it black. "Inscribe all names within range." He ignored the sudden intake of breath from the Inferno members.

15, 244 names have been inscribed into the Book of the Dead pages. You must provide a suitable energy source to finalize this process, or all the inscriptions will be removed after they exhaust their personal resources.

Nix removed the dark seed and placed it against the open book.

[Use the Dark Seed as the energy source for the chosen inscriptions?]

"Yes," Nix spoke calmly as the area around them bathed in shadow. A chorus of blood-curdling screams filled the air. Alpha team formed a defensive circle to protect their leader.

The Book of the Dead has revived 15, 244 citizens of Dharta. They remain this way for 6.43 years. Afterwhich, they will vanish from Everspire forever. No additional energy resources may be added.

Quest Updated.

The book slammed shut in Nix\'s hands a few seconds later. Nothing he did could move the cover. "The hell is going on now?"

[The Book of the Dead may not be opened again for 6.43 years.]

The banging and shouting started from the nearest building and then spread rapidly throughout the city as revived corpses found themselves trapped behind the city\'s frozen doors.

/Inferno: Pon: Shit... The fuck is this? Are they undead?

/Inferno: Nix: No idea. We have to defrost these buildings first.

Nix turned towards a group of guards that exited the city jail. "I\'m here under the direction of Felid Sah. Who is in charge after Captain Finlow?"

A lean woman with dark skin and brown hair raised her hand. Her left eye was an empty socket that had been sewn shut after the claws of some beast left four large scars through her once pretty face. "I\'m Corporal Meriam. Has something happened to the Captain?"

Nix took a moment to inspect the female while she spoke.

Meriam Custer

Rank: Corporal

Race: Once Dead Human.

Description: Meriam Custer is living on borrowed time. Her life will expire in 6.43 years. If she is slain before that time, she will finish out her remaining span as one of the undead.

/Alpha: Nix: They are labeled as \'Once Dead.\' I may have fucked this up.

/Alpha: Ducky: They seem normal. Oh... Their original life spans weren\'t returned to them.

/Alpha: Nix: Nope. I\'m guessing the reviving process requires a lot more energy than being sucked dry. The book can\'t be opened again until all of these people are dead.

/Alpha: Pon: Maybe you should have used this during our Khione battle.

/Alpha: Nix: As I said, I may have fucked up.

Nix morphed into his Phoenix form and started the process of flying through the streets.

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