My Idle Gaming System

Chapter 78 - Unwilling To Submit!


\'Those attacks...are at the peak of GOLD Rank as they can nearly enter the DIAMOND Rank in power! Having so many thrown towards me at once in my injured state…\'

The thoughts of the DIAMOND expert were tumultuous as he faced a shocking sneak attack in an area his enemies should have had no prior knowledge of, his eyes turning towards the skies where the attacks came from as he didn\'t manage to see anything- his trained eyes only being able to pick up a glimmer of an enormous winged creature!

Yet what he truly should have been paying attention to...were the tens of smaller figures that had begun to encircle him on all sides!

Warlord Steel\'s expression became more and more grim as his body urged out his remaining power, knowing he had to defeat the enemies that popped up as soon as possible if he didn\'t want anything to go wrong.


But this was when he felt multiple auras at the Gold Rank come towards his position, his careful eyes becoming jubilant as it was the faces of Blessed from the Wild Continent he knew as well as the Blessed that had the insignia of the bloody crown being pierced by a golden sword.

Yet in the next second, his experienced mind sang out alarm bells as his senses picked up more than 10 GOLD Ranked Blessed rush towards him, the nearest ones about to reach him releasing their most powerful attacks as many more of them were swarming towards him in a circular formation!

"What the fuck is this?!"


As the most powerful strikes of GOLD Blessed began to rush towards him, the heavily injured DIAMOND Rank expert bellowed out as the entire city and it\'s blessed became aware of something shocking happening within the center of the city.

Something such as the besiegement of a DIAMOND Ranked expert was extremely hard to hide!

Yet for the sake of taking down such a high caliber of an expert...Noah accepted the momentary commotion!


Like golden flickering lights, multiple GOLD Blessed rushed towards Warlord Steel as their bodies shone with powerful skills, the milky white mana that protected this injured expert wrapping around his body as he defended against the coming attacks!

"What is this?! What are you all doing?!"

The face of Warlord Steel became grimmer at every second as he counter attacked and punched out to only push one GOLD Blessed away, but a new one took their place a second later as they tried to land deadly attacks on his body.



The surroundings quaked as fire elements converged, Warlord Steel casting the devastating skill he had used against the Impartial Protector as Fiery tornadoes began to form around them!

The moment these tornadoes formed, all the GOLD Blessed synonymously moved back as they dodged the terrifying tornadoes of flames, one being unlucky enough to be swept by one as his body began to swirl in hellish flames.

Yet all others pulled back as the face of Warlord Steel became grim, and this was because as the Blessed pulled back, the auras that were in the skies reappeared to rain down scorching rays of light and deadly rays of Aether at his position!


The attacks were relentless as he was given no chance to even rest, the milky white mana surrounding him flickering as he found himself forced to his knees while defending against these outrageous attacks.

His face was livid as he wanted to see just which enemies would dare to do this in the skies, bellowing out as he began to take to the skies!


With the cry of an expert, his burst of speed caused him to instantly appear in the skies as the scene became clear, his eyes constricting as he became face to face with the image of a magisterial Aether Half-Dragon.

A Half-Dragon!

The purple mana around the Draconic Rift Boss swirled as a wondrous cage paling with Aether descended around the shocked figure of the DIAMOND Expert.

This was the cast of [Aether Cage]!

And it came in two as a second later, yet another cage overlapped with the currently laid out one as tendrils of lightning stretched out to attack the single being within the cage, the auras of two more Rift Bosses that had peak GOLD Rank auras nearly spilling over into the next rank also appearing in the skies as all four directions were covered by the aerial beasts!

The heart of Warlord Steel palpated at this scene as he shockingly found he shouldn\'t have taken to the skies.

Up here, the enemies were actually masters of the Sky as the moment the Aether Cages were laid down, the elements of Light and Aether raged down tyrannically as they struck the single figure of the DIAMOND expert!


Numerous attacks wrecked the body of the already injured being as he struggled to defend and gasp for breath inside, his body becoming charred as it only pulled with a weK milky white light.

"Vile creatures!"

His terrifying shout that held a tinge of fear at only being able to receive deadly attacks without being able to retaliate rang out, his body shining out a brilliant light- a light that was like the last flicker of a dying sun that went on to shatter the Cage of Aether as the figure of Warlord Steel shot towards another direction in the city!


Yet he came across 10 Good Blessed with impassive eyes that blocked his path and thundered down already prepared attacks, knocking down his body that was nearly drained into the streets of the City where Silver and Bronze Blessed were fearfully beginning to gather to see what situation was occurring.

His figure ragged and breathing heavy, Warlord Steel barely stood up before he felt another Aether Cage descend down the figures of multiple GOLD Blessed appearing within as they moved with shining weapons to smash into him!


Horrifying sounds began to emanate out as the defenses of a DIAMOND Expert began to be pierced through, sword clad in flames or ice and arrows tinged with lightning smashing into his body as blood freely began to overflow.

The breath of Steel was ragged as his experienced eyes looked at the Gold Blessed surrounding him and dealing him deadly attacks.

Each of them had impassive looks on their faces as he knew many of them!

This was especially so for the ones from the Wild Continent, where many of them he had spared or trained in the past as they prepared to move out to face the Light Continent!

Yet these same beings and those from the Dark Continent had impassive faces as their eyes flickered with a blue light, not answering any of his questions as they only moved to rip apart the defenses he was trying to set up.

His experienced eyes had many theories as he picked up on what was going on!

"Fucking idiots, falling into the control of someone else! What did he offer you? What was enough for you to betray your motherland?!"

The DIAMOND expert tried to muster up his drained essence to rise up, but the swarm of GOLD Blessed thundered down attacks even faster as when he least expected it, more destructive rays of Aether and scorching light rays rained down from the skies and wrecked his boy even more!

When the scene cleared, one could see a mutilated expert who had not been able to defend his entire body as his right arm was currently a stump- the entirety of it ripped off as his eyes were the only thing remaining with a shining light.

"I\'ll offer you the same thing I offered them."


In the midst of this, a calm voice rang out as Steel turned his tired and mutilated body to see the culprit who caused all this, but he only found the impassive eyes of GOLD Blessed that surrounded him!

He dragged his bloodied body around as he laughed despairingly.

"Haha, and what would that be, you coward who won\'t even show himself?"

Everywhere he turned, only the impassive Blessed could be seen as they surrounded him and reached out, multiple of them holding on to his remaining three limbs as one put his hands on the head of this expert, his hands pulsing with Fire elements as he could release them to heavily mess up the head of this expert in a split second!

The reply Warlord Steel asked for came, and it was one that would cause a chill to run down anyone\'s heart as his experienced eyes saw a Gold Blessed from the Wild Continent he was familiar with speak out with an impassive face in front of him.

"Your life. I will offer you to keep your life."


Steel observed the Blessed as even though he had the same face as the one he knew, he had entirely different eyes as the body of the expert felt the increasing injuries and slumped down!

"I see."

His hoarse voice rang out as blood freely flowed from his body. His eyes turned placid as he seemed to be thinking of a myriad of things before they finally focused on the Blessed speaking in front of him. With the last power he could muster, he spoke.

"I don\'t know who you are, or how you\'ve managed to do all this...but I am not someone that you can control."


The air and demeanor of an expert that had lived too long came out from the eyes of the mutilated being, shining a brilliant white light as he began to laugh out loudly!

"Unlike these fools around me, I know Death would be better than becoming a mindless fool under a scheming creature like you!"


The eyes of the Blessed surrounding him remained placing as far above in the skies on top of a Conflagrant Pegasus, Noah looked towards the position of the encirclement below as when the words of this expert ended, brilliant white milky light erupted out as the mutilated body of this being ballooned out eerily...before it exploded in a terrifying blast of blood and gore that pushed out all the Blessed near him!


The chilling laughter of this expert could barely be discerned as it was released right before the implosion of his body, resounding out as it caused Noah\'s face to become grim while he watched the scene below.

Shockingly, he was successful in taking down a terrifying expert as he heavily reduced the battle power of his enemies, but his face was grim as he felt like he took a loss!

In the face of death, the DIAMOND Ranked being was fearless as he chose to embrace it rather than be controlled by him!


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