Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 204

"Hello, Scarlet!" Jenny walked out of the blood defense and spoke to scarlet trying to imitate her master.

"How? Where is my master?" But surprising to her, Scarlet instantly found the difference. It was expected since her master calls her disciple all the way. And, the way she spoke was very different too.

"Hush! And, I was trying to give you a huge surprise. Well, it is a huge surprise to know that your master is dead, isn\'t it?" Jenny sighed and puts her hand on her chin while speaking a smirk on her face.

"Impossible! My master\'s soul is unrivaled in the world." Even though the facts were in front of her, Scarlet couldn\'t admit it. After all, her master was unrivaled in her eyes.

"And, do you know the best of the part? She died at the hands of Mike. Well, not technically him! But she died on the protection that Mike left for us.. No matter how powerful the enemy soul or control might be, as long as they are trying to take over our body, they will die."

"This is something Mike created for us. Now I wonder, who will you choose? Will it be a person that you love or someone who guided you?" Jenny\'s smirk got wider as she tried to rub salt on her wounds, giving her the hardest decision to make.

Jenny really doubted Scarlet\'s mind. She was like a stubborn child that won\'t bend at any cost until they are realized that they can\'t change anything. After all, she loves Mike as much as Lauren loves Mike.

"Why? Sniff! Sniff! Master, I promised to find you a perfect. Sniff! How could you die?" Unexpected to Lauren and Jenny, Scarlet directly bursts into tears. Suddenly, the wind blows past her face as Jenny realized something.

"Let\'s go!" Jenny turned her head at Lauren and moved away.

"Hey wait! Aren\'t we going to kill her?" Lauren got shocked by her words but still followed her. She didn\'t understand but her body subconsciously followed Jenny\'s order.

"She is dead," Jenny spoke without even looking back with a solemn expression.

"Dead? She is still alive and crying. This is the best chance to kill her. Can\'t you see how much she has improved in just one month? She has reached the eighth rank generally. We can\'t take her lightly." Lauren screamed while looking and pointing her arms at Scarlet but Jenny didn\'t even look back.

"Killing their dreams is equal to killing them! Do you think I will live even for a moment if Mike dies? Do you think Mike will continue living if his dream is destroyed? For us, it\'s either win or death!" Jenny spoke while moving away.

Hearing her words, Lauren gave a deep look at Scarlet and sighed. She turned back and ran towards Jenny while shouting "I don\'t understand your mind. But...….. I will still follow you, the first mistress!"

Hearing her words, Jenny\'s footstep halted for a moment and then continued. When she moved forward, a big smile appeared on her face.

Outside the Ascending to Godhood,

Inside the secret lab \'Project God\'

"What? How is it possible? There should be still five days remaining before the completion of the third stage." One of the old men shouted while checking at the screens in front of him.

"But, data shows that her transformation is complete. She has completely inherited that bloodline along with genes and physique." Another old man looked at another screen and spoke with a solemn expression.

"Well, no matter what! We have succeeded. Now, it\'s only the time before we take control over the world." The last old man spoke while rubbing his palms together. He was screaming with joy.

"We should start her retreat." Just as another old man said that cracks began to appear on the test tube.

Bang! Splash!

As the test tube broke, the liquid inside splattered on the ground. Suddenly, a pair of jade-like hands caught two old men by their neck. The person who caught them was none other than Alena. She turned her head at another man and released her breath.

Instead of normal breath, she released a cold breath partially froze the third man. Alena tilts her head slightly and spoke with deep killing intent "How dare you to betray me?"

Those words were so powerful that three of them instantly lost their consciousness. Even Andrew who barely moved out felt an immense suppression. He was almost falling to his knees.

"Oh! You want to play this." Saying so, she dropped one of the men on the ground and spoke "Although I don\'t like to do it anymore, I still feel good when I do it."

Saying so, she inserted her hand inside the old man\'s crotch and held his cock. She held it hard and pulled it out.

"Ahhhh! In an instant, the unconscious old man regained his consciousness and the blood splattered on the ground. It was leaking a lot. Andrew subconsciously grabbed his crotch with fear in his eyes. After doing that to one old man, she didn\'t leave another.

In the next moment, all three of them had their cock pulled out by Alena. Just seeing that made Andrew tremble with pain. He held his cock so hard and looked away. After plucking out their cock, Alena sighed \'Thankfully, Mike had protected my mind with that spell.\'

\'But, thanks to that, I got another power. The will of that snake was trying to devour my mind but it was destroyed by that spell. And, I reaped by the reward by inheriting the power of that blood. Though, it is nothing compared to this girl\'s power.\'

Saying so, she quickly glanced at the girl. This girl was still on that stage. But, she can feel a close burden from her. As if she has a huge mission that she must accomplish. Suddenly, the girl\'s eyes opened startling Alena.

"Omega needs help! Find the chosen one"

"I can feel him. He is here. You have his scent. Thanks for taking away my talent."

"Find my spaceship, you will find a chip. Open that chip and you will find a file called \'Space-Time Law\'. Give it to him once he enters the Divine World. And, don\'t tell him anything about this until he reaches Divine World."

As her word stops, her eyes close back. At this moment, Alena snapped out of the shock and looked at the girl in front of her with surprise. She took her talent and now she is thanking her. It was quite astounding for her.

But, when she heard her words, she tried try to connect the chosen one with Mike. Suddenly, her cell phone rang. Suddenly, Andrew came running towards her and spoke while giving her the cell phone.

"Alena, Olive is on call. She said she have something important to tell you. She was calling for an hour now but I couldn\'t pick the call."

Alena took the phone and after two minutes, an immense shock appeared in her eyes. She couldn\'t believe what she just heard. Then, she once again looked at the girl but that girl had already closed her eyes.

She instantly moved away. But when she did, Andrew stood there in shock. Because her speed was close to teleportation and more importantly, she was floating. Alena bursting into another lap and shouted "Everyone gathers at a place!"

Although most of them were shocked they could easily recognize the voice. They immediately lined up in front of Alena. She looked at everyone with a cold expression, then she turned her head at the spaceship to her side.

She was still very much impressed by this spaceship. It was destroyed to the state where it could only be replaced. But, it was self-healing using nanotechnology. It was still far ahead for them. And, more importantly, when they tried to break the spaceship defense after it was healed, they failed miserably.

She even asked the Emperor of the family to break the defense but even he failed. After series of tests, she found its defensive capability was at least Saint-Level and the limit is still hard to guess. That\'s why even after four years, it was impossible to break it.

But now, Alena walked near it. The spaceship was in the shape of a hummingbird. She reached out the spaceship and touched its cover. As her hand touched it, the spaceship let out blue light. Suddenly, the entire spaceship changed as it became a black spaceship with blue stripes and a voice rang from the spaceship.

"Access Granted"

"Reason: Omega Blood"

"Omega disciple, please enter the Omega Flight Version 94"

Alena got startled as the door suddenly opened to her left. At the same time, the entire crowd looked at the spaceship with their jaws touching the ground. Alena slowly entered the spaceship as she entered inside, her jaws dropped to the ground as well.

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