Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 260 - Hands Off


It was instinct. He hadn\'t even thought about it. Tarkyn approached his mate and he was on his feet, watching to ensure nothing untoward happened. But when she dominated him, Aaryn saw him resist—saw the shudder ripple through him as his body told him to submit, but his mind said no.

And even though he dropped his voice. And even though he rolled his shoulders—his aggression was gone—he touched her.

He fucking touched her.

Nevermind that she was the Queen. He touched Aaryn\'s mate.

It was thoughtless to place himself between them to snap the grip Tarkyn had on her arm and put himself nose-to-nose with the older male.

Elreth had fought Tarkyn many times, though Aaryn suspected the male held back with her somewhat.

But he\'d never fought Aaryn. Not really. They\'d trained, even sparred. He knew something of the Captain\'s style.

But this was not trainee and trainer. This was not "sir."  This was a fucking male touching his mate and he wasn\'t going to stand for it.

The ripple effect of his movements were so quick, he almost didn\'t register them until it was done.

Tarkyn\'s eyes widened in surprise as his clasp on Elreth was broken.

Then he fixed on Aaryn—scented Aaryn\'s dominance and aggression—and his own surged to the surface.

Something snapped.

Quicker than sight, Tarkyn hopped back on the balls of both feet to give himself a little more room, at the same moment he reached for Aaryn\'s wrist.

Aaryn was just fast enough to block the grip before Tarkyn got him, snapping the male\'s hand off to the right and bringing his blocking hand up just in time as Tarkyn, following the momentum of Aaryn\'s block, let his body turn and brought a leg up to kick backwards, straight for Aaryn\'s ribs.

If the backwards kick had landed, Aaryn would have heard his rib snap. But he twisted slightly, hooking Tarkyn\'s leg over his hip and pulling it into his side, turning to pull the male off balance.

Tarkyn grunted, but always resourceful, rolled as the weight of his upper body hit the floor, and used his other foot to kick Aaryn\'s grip off his leg. As Aaryn stumbled back, Tarkyn scrambled to his feet and then they were both circling, in a defensive spar, eyes locked.

Elreth screamed at them both to stop and somewhere in his head, Aaryn registered that she sounded angry, rather than afraid. But Tarkyn was merciless and Aaryn couldn\'t hesitate. If he took even a breath without defense, he\'d be down.

And it was high time he put this male on his ass and taught him where the boundaries were.

As they circled each other, Aaryn let his upper lip curl. "You call yourself an honorable male? Would you allow another male to touch the Queen?"

"She is a friend and has been a part of my herd for twenty years, the touch was insignificant."

"She is my mate and you handled her."

"She is my Dominant, and she can handle herself. She need only ask me and I would have—"

"She should not have to ask you, you should never have touched her in the first place!" Aaryn snarled, and launched forward, throwing a punch that might have taken him in the stomach, except Tarkyn twisted and blocked, so it glanced off and they both danced back again.

"It\'s about time we saw you take as much care with her as you do with your people!" Tarkyn spat.

Aaryn was almost distracted, his mind spinning over what that could possibly mean, but he didn\'t let himself get thrown off. Tarkyn kicked and punched, throwing assault after assault to keep Aaryn on the defensive.

Around them, the males simply waited for the challenge to be decided, but Elreth paced the floor, snarling at them.

Aaryn would have to deal with her later.

"She has always been my priority," Aaryn barked at the Captain. "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about."

"We heard about the incredible disformed Alpha," Tarkyn snapped. "How thoughtful and strong he is—even without the support of the crown. Even as a rebel. Loved by his people and lifted as a hero—nothing like the Anima warriors, so hard and thoughtless. Nothing like those of us who protect their lives every day!"


Thinking it a ploy, Aaryn waited for the split second when he saw Tarkyn brace to throw a punch, then he dropped and swept a leg. Tarkyn took it at the knee and snorted as he lost his balance, tumbling to the floor. Aaryn, already on his feet, leaped on him, but Tarkyn had rolled quickly and was attempting to flip Aaryn off his stomach, where Aaryn had their legs twisted and locked, so Tarkyn couldn\'t roll.

"You say you were always for the crown, Aaryn," Tarkyn snarled as Aaryn wrestled to get him in a head lock. "Yet your orders are your own.  No accountability… answering to… no one." Tarkyn\'s face turned red with the effort of holding Aaryn back from the grip, but Aaryn had the position of power.

They wrestled and struggled, grunting, Elreth\'s demands had stopped, but her footsteps clipped along the floor off to Aaryn\'s left.

"I answer to her," Aaryn said. "Not to you."

"And that\'s the entire…. fucking… problem," Tarkyn snarled. "Because your people… answer to you…. no one else."

Aaryn finally got the leverage, and got his elbow to Tarkyn\'s throat. "Don\'t make me pass you out," Aaryn growled in his ear. "Don\'t make me embarrass you that way."

They both stayed there a second, rigid, their bodies in battle.

Then finally Tarkyn let his breath out in a rush, dropped his head and let go of Aaryn\'s arm where it braced across his shoulders.

Aaryn waited a moment to ensure everyone had seen the Captain submit, then he rolled quickly off  and to his feet, standing over him, chest heaving.

"I don\'t know what you heard," Aaryn said, panting as he stood over Tarkyn. "But nothing you\'re saying is true. The disformed are Anima. Loyal to the crown. I am Anima, loyal to the crown."

Tarkyn sighed and shook his head as he rolled up to sit, then pushed to his feet, rolling his head on his shoulders. "You are loyal," he growled. "But to her. Your people have a leader who prioritizes relationship over hierarchy and it has taught them to do the same.. You put their lives in danger—you put all of us in danger—when you taught your people to love, rather than serve."

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