My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 148: Hunting Monsters Inside a Gods Divine Realm!

Chapter 148: Hunting Monsters Inside a Gods Divine Realm!



A large, three-meters tall Black Panther leaped over Frank, its entire body was shrouded in shadows, manipulating them masterfully and coating its claws into them, making for stronger attacks!

Frank evaded in time, as the powerful shadow claws hit the floor.



The Black Panther quickly followed Frank, enhancing its body and speed with shadows!


The Black Panther then opened its mouth, as a blast of darkness was fired!

Frank smiled as he generated spears of purple fire, firing them at the Black Panther, and clashing with its dark breath!



Frank used this opportunity to leap towards the Black Panther, releasing spider threads around the creature and capturing it!


The Panther roared as it tried to free itself, but Frank already conjured Bind and other spells to reinforce these threads, and they were perhaps even harder than chains now.

"Devil Blight!" said Frank, releasing a ray of black light towards the Panther\'s head, blasting it off into black smoke, alongside the entire body.


[Your level has increased to level 19!]

[All of your stats have increased]

[Skill Proficiency Bonus Earned]

[Several Skills have leveled up!]

"Oof, this must be like the one number thirty and I managed to level up even… Now, the Boss should be appearing anytime soon," said Frank.

Like always when he entered a Domain, he got a Quest to slay monsters for a strong boss to appear, however, this time, it required him to kill 30 instead of 20 monsters.

However, the rewards increased too, as he got 100 App Points after defeating 30 monsters, which was quite a good amount for this little effort.

Although the monsters were strong, Frank was already used to his own abilities and spells and was able to take care of himself quite well, even without his tamed monster pets or friends at his side.

However, he still missed them, as he felt like hunting by himself was not as fun if there weren\'t friends he could enjoy the experience with.

Well… Abraddon and Thineas were glancing from the sides. Thineas was cheering him as if she were his mother, and Abraddon was glancing with excitement.

"Go for it, Frank~!" said Thineas while clapping her hands happily.

"Get them, boy!" said Abraddon while waving his tails.

"You two could also hunt monsters if you wanted, I am pretty sure that you could get some items too…" said Frank.

"Ah well, we aren\'t gods without being quite lazy," said Abraddon.

"Idiot, you just admitted that we are actually lazy!" said Thineas.

"Oh, my bad. Forget that, Frank!" said Abraddon.

"Well, sooner or later you\'ll get to it, you couldn\'t possibly simply rest in here, right?" asked Frank, although they were Gods, he wanted them to be more useful and get to grind some items for him at least, as they are gods and cannot get tired so easily, it would be nice if he could have them grinding passively for him…

But he still believed that they might not do it.

And even then, he did not know if a Hunting Domain would remain in a place whenever he left it.

For now, Frank sighed and then glanced at the darkness accumulating in front of his sight, where a large monster emerged from!


A large, almost six-meters tall creature with the body of a lion, three heads, that of a lion, a panther, and a bird, a long tail with the tip of a snakehead, and long bat-like wings at its back…

"A Chimera? It sort of reminds me of Abraddon by a bit," thought Frank.

"Look, your son!" laughed Thineas, pointing at the chimera.

"Very funny! You\'re a genius comedian, Thineas!" said Abraddon while being a bit angered.

"Haha! Look, he got all angry!" laughed Thineas.

Indeed, Thineas was quite the prankster for being a living goddess, which surprises Frank at first, although he was getting used to her at this point.

"GRROOOAARRR…!" roared the Chimera, leaping towards Frank as it shrouded itself in red flames and shadows!


Frank could not give more attention to the goofy Gods, as he jumped off the floor high in the air through his strengthened physique and abilities.

"Nether Ice, Devil Blight, Purgatory Flames!" roared Frank, showering the chimera with spears of purple ice, rays of dark light, and purple flames!

Flash! Flash! Flash!

The purple ice spears penetrated the flesh of chimera, freezing and cursing the wounds, the devil blight penetrated the internal organs and also fried the skin and muscles, and the purgatory flames burned the rest of the wounds, making the creature roared in agony!

However, the creature\'s eyes flashed eerily, as Frank felt like a powerful curse impacted his body, making him fall to the ground!


"That\'s… Gravity manipulation? On its eyes?!" thought Frank, as he stood up and glanced at the giant paw of the chimera nearing him!


Frank evaded by a pinch, as he released a large storm of purgatory flames towards the beast, making it fall back!


However, the Chimera stepped back, but not it\'s tail!


The tail which was like an enormous snake followed Frank and released purple-colored bullets of poison towards him, showering him with them!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, Frank showered himself in the poison and was barely being affected by it, as he had already raised his Poison Resistance rather high by poisoning his own body and then healing constantly!

"I might as well cut you before you become too much of an annoyance!" said Frank, leaping towards the tail and grabbing his dagger, enhancing it with his Auras and then throwing it towards the snake\'s tail!



The tail was sliced off perfectly, as the snake roared in agony and disappeared into an explosion of black smoke!


Frank glanced at the chimera, who quickly twisted its body and tried to use its eyes again!

From what Frank learned after checking its status, this attack was part of its Skills, named \'Heavy Evil Eye\', making it possible for the Chimera to generate a gravitational pull to the ground through its eyes into the desired target!

This way, it was able to catch Frank!


"Again!" thought Frank, as he was mercilessly pulled by an enormous gravitational pull to the ground.



The Chimera immediately used this opportunity, shrouding its claws with shadows and flames, and releasing a barrage of slashing attacks with its paws!


Frank barely resisted as he generated a large barrier, combining Gray Magic with Death Magic, he generated a barrier of Death-Attribute Mana that could absorb damage dealt against it!

However, each time the attacks hit, the barrier cracked, so Frank had to constantly pour more Mana into it, pushing him back without letting him much room to counterattack!


"Maybe I should combine Gust with… Oh, this should be good enough…" said Frank with a blazing conviction on his crimson eyes, as he combined the Gust Skill with the Purgatory Flames spell, generating an enormous tornado of flames, similar to how Gwendolyn employed Gust before!


The enormous wave of flames formed as a tornado impacted the claws of the large chimera, clashing against its chest and leaving a large wound!


Frank quickly took out the barrier, leaping out of the crater he was left in and then conjuring more Storms of flames while adding Devil Blight and even Nether Ice to the mix!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"I have to simply not let it move at all! Nether Ice!" roared Frank, flashing the creature\'s eyes with ice, making them explode!


"Now that you lack eyes, you\'re not that much of a big deal, huh?" laughed Frank, as he conjured several spheres of concentrated Dark and Death Attribute, Death Shadow Bullets!

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


The Chimera groaned in pain, as it gnashed its teeth and used its sense of smell to find Frank yet again, jumping towards him and using its entire body size as a weapon, trying to smack him with it!


Frank managed to evade in time, clenching his fist as they grew into large black claws, his senses as the Undead Progenitor sharpened and his body strengthened momentarily!


Jumping while being shrouded in Purgatory Flames, Frank reached the Chimera and seeped his claws into the creature\'s stomach, opening it wide with a single swipe while running!

The flames entered the creature\'s stomach, as Frank mercilessly filled it with flames!

"This is it!" he roared, infusing more power into it, and releasing even Death Shadow Bullets!

The Chimera tried to slash him off, but Frank used his barrier whenever he needed, finally overwhelming the creature with enough damage, as it gave out its last cry of pain!



The creature then became motionless, as it turned into black smoke, disappearing, and leaving a nice loot behind.

"He\'s true quite the strong human," said Abraddon.

"Well, he comes to form another world and all, so of course he\'s strong! This reminds me… I should give him my Divine Protection…" said Thineas.

"You haven\'t?!" asked Abraddon.

"Haha… I forgot," said Thineas.

Frank sighed, as he walked towards the loot left by the Chimera Boss, he felt like he gained a rather nice amount of EXP, but his level did not go up yet.

There were the usual Magic Crystal, but aside from that, there was also a Skill Book, a set of lightweight armor with similar colors and decorations to the Chimera, which was the torso, shoulder pads, and leg armor, alongside this, there were also two runes, a red and a yellow one.

Frank grabbed the Skill Book as he could not believe his luck.

"Heavy Evil Eye? Really, System? Is this okay?" wondered Frank.


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