Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

Chapter 40 The Beast Horde




Several ear-piercing sounds thundered throughout the forest, each one sounding louder and more annoying than the other.

There were hundreds if not thousands of creatures that were running through the woods, each one kicking up dust in their wake and leaving a huge dust cloud behind them as if they were trying to display their power and dominance.

The beasts ranged from green wolves the size of horses, black ones with a dark hue overshadowing their figure as well as ones whose fur would perk up into spikes.

However, behind them stood the real monstrosities.

Wolves reached the size of the T-rex that I had died to, while others were as long as some of the trees around them if they were to stand on their hind legs or slither up them.

"I just have to avoid the bigger ones and I should be fine. Worst case scenario, I\'ll have to burn the forest down." I muttered while sitting atop a large branch looking towards the incoming horde of beasts that was now 100 meters away and closing in fast.

[The Immortal\'s stress levels are high]

[The Unknown Energy is resonating with your determination and bravery]

[An Unknown Energy is rising within your body.]

My eyes slowly turned black and white before all the living creatures around me began to light up with their distinct crimson color alongside the channels of red energy that ran through their bodies and energized their bodies with both life and vigor.

[Hp: 103/103]

[Mana: 10/20]

\'It takes a bit less mana now, but 10 is still a lot especially since mana takes a very long time to regenerate.\' I thought to myself rather than speaking aloud, just in case one of the creatures heard me even though I highly doubted that would have been possible with the amount of noise they made.

For those of you who might be asking the question, "Hey Ezra. Why the hell are you going up against hundreds if not thousands of creatures?", and to you my friend I applaud you for asking such an important question.

However, the answer to it was unknown even to me. I could have easily tried running away from the forest and leaving behind everything I had built in the last 4 weeks, and even though I knew that leaving the forest was an inevitable fate, I still chose to stand against the horde one last time before being forced to leave.

I\'m not sure if my mind had short-circuited and just decided that rather than being a coward and running, I would not leave this place without a fight.

The only logical reason I could think of for me staying was actually just the fact that my body would be pushed to its limit, and while I am still extremely scared of dying, my desire for revenge on the elven race had overshadowed my fear, allowing me to now look forwards with confidence and unwillingness to give up.

After all, how am I supposed to get revenge when I am stuck being so weak and pathetic?

With that thought crossing my mind, my eyes immediately sharpened while my muscles tensed up, readying me to jump off this branch and kill any creature that dares stand in my way.

\'Just a little more...\' I thought to myself while pulling my hand back and grabbing onto the hilt of my feather blade.

\'40 meters...\' My grip tightened around the hilt and my body leaned forward.

\'30 meters...\' I quickly did the same with the other feather blade, yet this time I held it in a reverse grip rather than a normal one.

\'20 meters...\' My body began to ooze out a red mist that shrouded my body from head to toe with its crimson glow.

\'10 meters...\' I quickly shifted my feet and positioned myself at an angle that would allow me to shoot into the crowd if I were to kick off the branch.

"Five meters..." I spoke aloud, making several creatures halt their movements, frozen in place as their heads slowly moved up to look at me, or at least for as long as they could look at me.




The image of my body turned into a blur as my figure pushed down on my legs, snapped the branch like a twig, and tore through the air just to appear in front of one of the wolves with my hand extended towards the eyes.

With my right hand right in front of the wolf, I pushed down and ripped through the wolf\'s skull, splattering its brain matter everywhere and while staining my clothes.

[You have killed a Wind Wolf]

[You have gained +50 EXP]

\'I\'ll need a shower after this...\'


The wolf\'s roar had been cut off as a blade immediately tore through its throat and forced it to drown within its own blood, incapable of making any other noise that did not consist of the gargling that came out of its maw.

[You have killed a Wind Wolf]

[You have gained +50 EXP]

Feeling a sudden sense of dread coming from my left, I lifted my foot and kicked the wolf into the sky before jumping up, somersaulting, and smashing my foot into its head before allowing the decapitated body to fall back to the ground.

[You have killed a Lightning Leopard]

[You have gained +50 EXP]

All of this occurred in merely a few seconds, yet to me, it felt like minutes had gone by as I calculated the best course of action, and which actions would give me the highest probability of survival.

Of course, the option to simply run had always been the option with the highest probability of survival, but I quickly suppressed my cowardly thoughts and went on to kill the creatures attacking me.


Looking forwards again, I watched as a hippo-like creature grew closer by the second while constantly releasing some kind of gas from its nose. At the same time, there was something else that caught my eyes, immediately giving me a flashback to my first day here in this world.

Images of my fingers piercing the eye of a hippo appeared in my mind and caused me to smile wryly as I looked at its closed eyes, realizing that I might have actually given it a permanent injury.

While I might have started reminiscing about the old times, I did not waste any time as I instantly sprang forward and pointed my feather knife/short sword toward the only working eyes of the hippo.

As I stabbed it, another sense of dread hit me and in the process forced me to swing myself away from the hippo, leaving behind my knife that was now protruding out of its only working eye.

\'Hmm?\' With the sense of dread still lingering, I waited for another second, analyzing the fluctuations in the amount of danger I felt until I sensed it.

My head tilted to the right and barely evaded a claw that was aimed towards my head and ready to rip it off in a single swing of its paw. Yet instead of attacking with my feather short sword again and killing it on the spot, I swiftly grabbed its neck with an iron-clad grip before turning around and aiming it in a certain direction.

I watched as several black spiked hairs short into the wolf\'s body, making it struggle one more time within my grip before finally giving up and falling prey to its wounds.

I could see that almost 18 meters away stood a wolf with perked up black fur that it shot as spikes, capable of shooting me and turning me into swiss cheese without even batting an eye.

"Another shadow spiked wolf?" I muttered under my breath still didn\'t lower my guard. Yes, I might have killed this creature before, but it still poses just as much of a threat as it did the first time I met it.

"Sorry..." I let out a wry smile and let go of the corpse I was holding. Before any of the beasts around me could realize what had happened, they watched as a foot landed on the chest of the corpse while launching it towards the shadow spiked wolf.

I could see that the body was slowing down dramatically since the shadow spiked wolf had not stopped shooting from the start, yet that did not matter to me at that very moment.

From behind the incoming corpse, the shadow spiked wolf saw a sudden burst of crimson light before a light darted up into the trees.

With its guard now up, it stopped shooting the corpse and instead looked in my direction. Little did it know that its decision to stop shooting the corpse would have been its last fatal mistake.

The corpse carried enough momentum to finally barge the shadow spiked wolf, making it lose its balance for a split second which was all I needed. In another flash of burning crimson light, I short from branch to branch and tree to tree until finally, I stood on a branch above the shadow spiked wolf.

Seeing that it was still in a state of confusion, I quickly put away my feather blade and grabbed onto my poison spear tightly.

I could feel my heart beating with a new rhythm.

Blood was shooting through my vessels alongside the adrenaline that made me forget about my fears of death.

It was almost like I had tunnel vision.

Everything before me had turned into a target rather than a living being, and the crimson highlights I got from my black and white vision did not help with that matter.

A smile perked up the corners of my lips before my hands gripped around the spear tightly and descended onto the wolf that finally understood what had happened.

It did not have enough time to react to my sudden ambush, leaving it to use its last resort, or maybe even an instinctual resort that had been developed throughout its evolution.

Its eyes began looking at me with a pleading in its eyes, yet I did not buy it.

The smile on my face grew when I saw that expression while a shiver of exhilaration shot through my body, reverberating in every cell until finally.



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