Epic of Bee

Chapter 45 Not A Real Plan

"Okay, so you girls know the plan, right?" I asked in the shadow of the large rock where everyone had gathered about five hundred meters from the Weasel village.

We had made a plan and made our way here once it started to get dark outside, and the trip took over two hours. I was allowed to hover to keep off my feet, but everyone else walked.

Messia, Pixie, and Talli stayed back after a brief argument with Messia. She didn\'t want me to go, but I was an essential part of the plan.

"I need to go; you know I do. I am the only one that can communicate with the girls when they are investigating. We need to get the information that we find back to Miasma to figure out if there is anything we can go why Miku is inside. Going once is already risky enough as it is; I don\'t want to have to go back again," I had explained to Messia.

In the end, she agreed with me but with great reluctance. She made Leah and Riza promise to stay by my side and not leave for any reason, and I wasn\'t about to argue with her.

I was a little worried about this plan, too, if I was being frank with myself. The fact that I was still trying to convince myself that it was a plan worried me even more.

Send Xani in to get into place and then Miku would go and infiltrate the place, but that was as far as we got. I wasn\'t sure what to tell them to look for, but I figured that there had to be something that we could use to try and work something out with them.

\'I am in place; five Weasels are patrolling, but each is alone, so it should be easy enough to sneak by them. I think I have also identified the Chief\'s hut,\' Xani sent to me using the connection that we now share.

Since they had come out of the Royal Honey, both girls said that they had a much stronger telepathic connection with each other. That was proved now with the seven hundred meter distance between Xani and me.

"Miku, please be careful. We aren\'t trying to start a fight; all I want to do is find out some information," I explained to Miku over thought.

My first thought had been to just go talk to the Weasels; that made sense, but that idea was shut down by everyone on the hut at the time.

"No, they are cheats and thieves. Remember the Coyotes? These are smarter but just as bad," Leah had explained to me.

I could understand that, and this was why we were at this spot trying to find… what, I wasn\'t sure. In the end, I just had to hope that Miku and Xani could find something for Miasma to pick apart and find a solution.

I hated not having a genuine part in all of this, but I wasn\'t completely useless. I was the only relay for the information, and if I wasn\'t here, then I don\'t think that the operation could go forward.

It wasn\'t that I didn\'t trust the girls; it was just that they didn\'t have any experience with this kind of thing. Hell, I didn\'t have experience with this kind of thing!

\'Ashia, I just slipped into the Chief\'s hut, and he is asleep, but I don\'t know what I should be looking for. There are papers, but they just look like scribbles to me,\' Miku explained over thought.

\'I think that you should go and try to look over here, next to the little hut just south of the Chief\'s hut. The guards or patrol Weasels keep walking by it. I will let you know when it\'s safe,\' Xani explained.

"I will be fine, and I can stay hidden in the shadows. No one will be able to see me!\' Miku sent confidently.

\'No, this is not time for games, Miku. Xani is your guide, so you need to listen to her and move what she says to you!\' I tried to think as forcefully as I could.

\'Sorry, I will listen to her,\' Miku sent back, and I let out the breath that I was holding in.

This whole thing was far more stressful than it was worth, and I started to think that this was a bad idea. I couldn\'t even call it a bad plan because we didn\'t even have one!

"Ashia, There are Weasels coming this way!" I heard Riza whisper, shocking me out of my meditation.

"What? Where are they?" I asked, looking around, but then a voice spoke up that couldn\'t be described in any other way than to be Weasley.

"Oh, don\'t worry, miss Bee. We are right here, and we have been watching you and the other two sneaking around the village. Awfully late to be out for a walk, do you think," asked a talk thing man that stepped out from behind the rock that we were hiding behind.

"Stay back!" Riza shouted as she leveled her spear at the Weasel man.

From my judgment of the length of her reach, he would be impaled if the Weasel moved forward. Unfortunately, the Weasel just laughed at us as more Weasels started to come from behind the rocks.

This wasn\'t good. We were outnumbered four to one, and there was no chance of escaping. The only thing that I could do was to send a quick message to the girls.

\'Muki, Xani? You two need to leave now! We have been caught, and you need to warn the others. I am not sure what to do, but when you come back, I will be able to talk to you, but you need to get help, please!\' I sent it to them, and I got confirmation from both of them.

At least they listen in a time of crisis like this. I would just hope that the Weasel Folk didn\'t have any plans for us before they got back with help.

p "Come, the Chief is not happy about whoever was in his tent, and now he wants to talk to you," the Weasel man said with a weirdly welcoming smile, but all the leveled spears pointed at me made us think that it was going to be anything but a friendly visit.

[This is the extra chapter for voting! Thank you for bee-ing the bee-st supporters! This will be my lock chapter in the future! Keep on voting so I can get you lots more chapter to read before that happens! Thank you all again!]

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