Epic of Bee

Chapter 113 Fen And Now, A Bright Start

"Beam us down!" I called out with excitement in my voice.

I was brimming with excitement now that it was time for me to leave! But, of course, I had my three pets resting on my shoulders now, and they were all asleep, so I had to be careful when I moved.

"Aye, Aye Queen! One Honey Bee-m Transportation Ray coming up!" Called someone that I couldn\'t see.

There was a great answer to that one, and I will need to find out who said it. There is a unique gene that would be given to them for making that comment!

It was about time that we got started now that all the girls had gathered around me. I was surrounded by the guards who formed a ring around me, and they all had their own job to do once we reached the open area.

The girls had talked to me about the massive size of the Trolls and how they were very friendly, so I was excited to meet them. However, I also wondered if they would be weird and ugly, looking like the ones that people had imagined back in my old world.

Suddenly we were standing in a mountain path, and ahead there were large stone slabs leaned like triangles. Inside of each were huge rock people; there was really no other way to describe them, but I also was over one hundred meters away from them.

Everyone was milling around me, but my girls were close, and my guard kept everyone back. So many people were running ahead to the Troll Village, but I guess they all knew that the Trolls mainly were friendly.

From what Miku, Xani, and Rixie had said with their crash course, most deaths from Trolls come from accidentally being sat or stepped on. That was reasonable, but I would still have to be mindful of them until I had them as my Royal Subjects.

"The area is safe from what we can tell; we can move forward to join the others," Ryan said, his white robe with the golden hex patterns rippling in the slight breeze.

"This is good because I don\'t think that standing here for a very long period of time will be safe either. So come on, let\'s go to the Village," I said to my group as we walked towards the Village.

"I hope that Terrance has got some OtterBee Cream; he was out the last time he came by the village," Miasma said with excitement.

"OtterBee? You Otter Bee kidding me, right?" I asked with raised eyebrows, but Serria was the one to answer me.

"The Otter Folk are not Bee\'s; they live in the far west. They harvest the Crystal Flower Nectar and make it into a cream that makes your skin very soft," Serria explained as we approached the Village.

"Terrance should have some left since he hasn\'t visited the Goblins yet; after that, he would have nothing left. The goblins take everything that he has, but they give him gold that they mine, so he doesn\'t mind getting cleared out. The only problem is when he finally does get to us, there is rarely anything left for us to trade with," Xani explained, and Miku was jumping beside her.

"Yes, but then he goes down south to refill at the Desert Capital, Kindar. The Royal Insects love gold, and there are many races there that Terrance can buy things from using Sand Credits. The Turtle makes a small profit, but I think Terrance just likes traveling," Miku said as we finally arrived at the Village.

It was built on the side of a mountain on a plateau, and there were rock lean-to\'s everywhere, but there was also a deep-looking cave leading inside the mountain. The ground started to tremble, and I felt thunderous steps from the cave I was looking at.

"The Queen has come to see little old me? What do you Bee wanting with me? Party?" Asked the three-meter tall mountain that walked out of the cave.

"I am looking for some rock-hard defenders and someone to turn all our extra Crystal Glass Nectar into Booze. Then I want to make it stronger than you have ever tasted!" I said, spreading my arms wide, but I almost hit M&M in the process.

The two of them stepped back from me as the giant rock man got closer and then leaned down to bring his face close to mine. Now that the Troll was closer, he still looked ugly, but he did have skin, not just rocks.

"Why? I am Fen, and I don\'t have a lot in here, but something about this seems too good to be true. Are you being chased but a kingdom? What do you need us to defend against?" Fen asked while tapping the side of his head.

"Predators, and maybe other Bees at some point, but the Predators are the main concern right now. So I want you to be my guards, and in return, I will give you all the Booze you can drink," I said with a smile, and Fen pulled his head back with a smile.

"Those white-robed little monsters try to come and attack us, but we killed thirty of them, and they don\'t bother us now. However, the big one is tough, and I would like to fight that she-devil again; she left me with this," Fen said, and then lifted up his arm to show a massive gouge near his right armpit.

There was a large part that had been torn away, and it looked like it had never healed properly. So, This guy had a Vendetta with the person that was after me; things couldn\'t work out any better.

"Well, what do you think? Would you like to join the Hive? I think that together I can keep your people happy and you can help keep ours safe. I don\'t plan on going to start any wars, but I also want to be prepared if something does happen," I said, and it looked like he was finally done playing hard to get, not that it lasted very long.

"Yes, I think that we will join you. This will get us away from the Goblins, and we can stop bothering the SugaBees," Fen said, but all I could do was call out in panic.

"COVER YOUR EYES!" I called out as Fen, and the other Trolls burst with light.

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