Epic of Bee

Chapter 130 Festivolution Pt 6

Xani came over to me and took my lower hands in hers, then I spread my arms out. This pulled her to me, and I caught her face in my upper hands, pulling her into a soft kiss.

The two of us enjoyed the moment before slowly pulling apart. As we did, I quickly kissed the end of her nose, making Xani giggle.

"After this, I want to go and find Leah, and then Riza can take care of her Royal Evolution before I evolve her. Then I would like to go for a walk in the Crystal Flower Gardens," I said, and Xani nodded with a cute smile.

"I think that sounds good, but I don\'t think that it really matters what we do. I am happy with anything as long as it\'s with you," Xani said, and I had to pull her into another quick kiss, but then I activated my scan when we pulled apart.

[Type]:(Race)Ferret (Subrace)Butterfly.

[Class]: Holistic Butterfly Seer: This Class communes with flowers of all types and has the ability to read Crystal Flower Leaf Veins. The Holistic Butterfly Seer can also feel the Winds of Change.

[Unique Class Traits]:

[Royal Wife]: One of the Queen\'s chosen mates.

[Surrogate Mother]: Responsible for carrying the Queen\'s unborn children and birthing them.

[Royal Honey Gene Mutation]: New Skills that trigger minor evolutions can be unlocked now.

[Wind Eye]: A third eye opens in the center of the forehead and allows you to know everything that the wind touches within 50 meters of you.

[Chaos Trigger Winds]: The Holistic Butterfly Seer will sometimes discover Chaos Trigger Winds that will create an In Chaos Effect with unknown results. The In Chaos Effect is when a small indirect change in a complex system can have significant effects elsewhere.

[The Winds of Changes Caress]: Feel the events of the world as they happen. The Holistic Butterfly Seer will receive small visions of important and critical events.

[Status]: Very Happy (HP 5)  *Plant Magic-[Royal Honey Gene Mutation] Yes/No?

Perfect, another win with my Royal Honey Juices! I selected yes, and Xani\'s eyes started to glow luscious green brightly.

Her eyes dimmed down but stayed a beautiful shade of green that was almost lime-like tulip stem. I had to kiss her again before we could continue reading; Xani\'s beauty and cuteness were catching on to me like wildfire, and I was having trouble keeping my hands off her.


[Increased Observation](Passive): Observation skills significantly increased.

[Increase Concentration](Passive): Concentration is significantly increased while channeling magic.

[Empowered Channeling](Passive): Channelling magic is now 100% more effective.

[Plant Speech](Passive): Speak all forms of Plantspeak.

[Wind of Chaos]: Shake Chaos Particles into the air from your wings. The particles will cause the current events to begin to become more chaotic with increasing speed. Chaos Particles never disappear and will continue to travel the winds indefinitely.

[Wind of Change]: Shake Change Particles into the air from your wings. The particles will cause the current events to begin to change with increasing speed. Change Particles never disappear and will continue to travel the winds indefinitely.

[All-Seeing Wind Oracle]: Activate to focus on a specific event during a Winds of Change, or Chaos Trigger Winds Vision.

This was a powerful set of skills and probably the most dangerous Class that I had seen. The destructive or momentous power that the Change and Chaos Particles could create.

Not only would they cause change, but they would never dissipate; they would always be floating around. Not all Chaos was terrible, but not all change was good, but if the world started to see too much constant change, it could tear the world apart.

"It\'s pretty scary, isn\'t it?" Xani asked, trembling.

I realized that I must have had a stern expression on my face, and I let the tension fall from my face. I needed to be supportive right now and not critical; yes, it was scary, but we would just have to monitor the use, and Xani would be able to check the far-reaching effects.

"Only if we let it get out of control, and we are right? You and I are in this together; always remember that. You are my wife, but I am also yours, and I am here with you no matter what happens," I said, pulling my cute little green-eyed love into my arms and kissed the top of Xani\'s head.

I held her in my arms for a while; this was going to be a long road for her. I wanted to make sure that Xani knew that she could rely on me for anything she needed.

We soon broke apart, and I let go of one of Xani\'s hands. I pulled her with me out of the central chamber and over to where my four guards were talking.

"Riza, can you go find Leah and have her meet us up in the Navigation Floor, and then we will head down to my room. Once we are there, I will take you and Leah down, getting you Honey, and then I will leave it to you from there, okay?" I asked as we walked over and joined the group.

"Yes, I will go get her at once; I know Leah is getting stressed out about not being able to train with the others properly. Do you need Joni? I wanted to talk to the girls about something," Riza asked, and Joni was giving her a raised eyebrow.

Bought damn time she told them how she felt! Still, this was really good for Riza, and I was happy for her. Tag and Sig were more than enough to protect us now. Plus, I wanted to talk to the Boys about the new, stoic attitudes they were presenting now.

"Yes, Tag and Sig are more than capable of watching us. Since you will do that first, I think that Xani and I will go visit the Crystal Flower Gardens. Then, we will meet you up top, okay? So, take your time; I want to try some localized tests with Xani and her new Class," I explained, and the girls nodded to me before leaving.

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