Epic of Bee

Chapter 172 The Woman Who Did All This

"That is reasonable and something that we can do. I will go up with Pelleta, and we will find Serria, and then we can go and get things organized for this. I think I heard something about that little adorable pink-haired girl making a portable Hex-Comb, so we will look into that for a temporary shelter for the people," Beezli explained, and Nala nodded but then looked at Beezli.

"Am I able to come up there with you two? I would like to see what that weird ship looks like from the inside. From the ground, it looks like a massive flower, but I can see that it is floating with some kind of airbag in the center," Nala asked and explained herself; Pelleta nodded with a smile.

"Yes, of course, you can come with us, and we will show you around the ship as we run some errands if you don\'t mind," Pelleta explained as she walked over to take one of Nala\'s arms in here.

"Hey! What about me? Are you just going to abandon me?!" Beezli asked in mock indignation as she walked over to the two, with a smile, and then turned to Messia. "Can you let Tok know to Bee-am us up?"

Within moments, they were all back on the ship, and Beezli turned to Miasma.

"Make sure that you get some of the guards down there with you so they can bring back whatever you find down there. If they can\'t bring it up or it will take too many trips, we will find a way to utilize the drones. For now, they can act as backup, or they can condense things into piles if you find anything notable," Beezli explained, and Miasma nodded to her in confirmation.

"I will wake up Serria, and then we will go down and start getting some people from the Clinic ready. There are a lot more now that the SugaBees have joined us, and they are adapting quite fast considering what they all just went through," Pelleta said, leaning in to kiss Beezli.

Beezli bent down, and the two women shared a short kiss before separating. Pelleta and Miasma had both left out the Honey Gate, and now there was only Nala and Beezli.

"Who are you? There is something about you that seems vaguely familiar about you, and you\'re… what do you call her?" Nala asked with a confused look on her face.

"My... wife," Beezli said with a smile because she had almost said her little bitch, but this was not the higher realm anymore.

"Sure, but if you make me ask you one more time who you are, I will find something large and heavy to hit you with!" Nala warned, and Beezli grinned.

"The day you find something strong enough to leave a mark on me is the day that I will bow down to you! Even in this state, I am far greater than ninety-nine percent of this world\'s population! HA HA HA HA HA!" Beezli said while placing a hand on her chest, but that just made Nala roll her eyes.

"Ah, now I know who you are, but I don\'t feel pressure from you. Boneheaded Beezli? Is that not what they used to call you?" Nala asked with a grin, but Beezli grinned back fiercely.

"Yes, I think they did, but I am sure that is not as bad as the things that your own people say about you!" Beezli retorted, and both the women glared and grinned, but they burst with laughter.

,m "Yes, they do. It is good to see that you don\'t let everything get under your skin, or you will get old and bitter like me. I was once the leader of this village, but these people got tired of doing things the right way. Now, look at them! They all look at me like I am the plague when it is actually Seshia that is going to get them killed!" Nala complained, but Beezli took her by the arm and started to lead her to the Honey Gate.

"Don\'t worry too much about it. When you can finally meet Ashia, you will see why even gods are willing to give up their divinity just to have a chance to walk beside her. This woman will change the world, and I will be there to see it happen, and I think that you should be as well. Let\'s go see Pixie; she is the lead builder for the Hex-Combs on the ship," Beezli said as she walked through the gate.

Nala didn\'t have much to say to Beezli\'s reply, but the view of the HexScape was enough to distract her. Nala was taken back by the view that was displayed in front of her.

"How is this possible?"

That was all that Nala could ask as she turned in a circle, making Beezli smile.

"A lot of this was created by me while I was still a Risen Goddess, up in the higher realm. This is only a fraction of what is to come. You just have to trust in Ashia, and you will get to see and experience things that you never thought possible!" Beezli said with a smile, and Nala nodded in approval.

"This is more than I expected, and now I can see why everyone is so quick to follow her. This ship alone would be enough to persuade anyone!" Nala said as she looked around, but Beezli shook her head.

"No, it has nothing to do with the ship or all the amazing things, I mean, that is some of the reason, but the Ferret, Weasel Folk joined with Ashia before she had a ship, and Skunk Folk joined after it was first built and far less impressive. Ashia is a strong leader that has helped people sort out their differences and helped make them all more productive," Beezli explained, and Nala nodded in understanding with a smile.

"You sure know how to get an old grouch worked up! I am very intrigued to meet the woman who did all of this," Nala said, and Beezli nodded.

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