Epic of Bee

Chapter 256 Crazy Weapon In The Sky?

[Ashia\'s View]

The four of us and my pets walked back out to the cavern we had just met Shiva in, and she was waiting there with her hands on her hips. She looked pretty angry, but that might also be her resting face.

I held Sakura and Helaina\'s hands, but Rai Cait was behind us. He was embarrassed for Shiva to see him like this and didn\'t think that it was fitting that his wife was now half an inch taller than him.

"It\'s a matter of pride and masculinity!" The Meccat God had said, but I had shaken my head and told him tough tits.

"She will get the same thing, so she will more than likely be much shorter than you," I had told him.

We stepped to the side so they could see each other, and then normal-sized golden God shrunk back from the menacing grin Shiva was giving him.

"So, looks like someone has revived you but then taken those things you call testicles? What happened to you, oh mighty God? Now you are only a fracture of your former self?" Shiva asked in an acid-like tone that was drenched in gas.

"Shiva, I am here to talk to you about us and helping my Queen," Rai Cait started to say, but Shiva cut him off again.

"Really? You were gone for like fifteen minutes, maybe twenty, and you already have him whipped? I will follow you if it means I can get lessons!" Shiva said and burst with light as I smiled.

To my pleasure, I am sure Ria Caits, Shiva was now golden and word and chain mail dress with diamonds covering it. She looked beautiful, but the best part and I think my fault partially, as she had grown a bit.

"Oh, come on now!" Rai Cait let out and slouched as his once estranged wife walked over to and cupped his chin, and brought it to her face.

,m "How was the afterlife? Did you enjoy all that fun by yourself, or did the other female gods entertain you?" Shiva asked Rai Cait, her tone not as bad as before, but she was not trying to win him over by any means.

"You know how it was! I wasn\'t allowed to take anyone with me because all my wives decided to boycott me at the last moment! So it was great talking and annoying everyone! Are you happy now?!" Rai Cait Growled as he pushed her hand away and walked away.

"You know what you deserved! And now you have had a taste of the time that you wasted with us but running around with other women like Sakura! You were off proving yourself and helping yourself to whatever came your way!" Shiva snapped back, and Rai Cait deflated again.

"We have both agreed that we would no longer have anything to do with each other, and now Sakura is with the Queen. I am only for you and your sisters, and once we are done helping the Queen, we will come back and revive them. There is a way to leave! And Ashia is everyone\'s answer, so we will need to create something that no one had ever even dreamed of making!" Rai Cait explained as he became more and more animated.

Talk of leaving seemed to brighten him up and put him into a far better mood. I was glad because we really didn\'t have time to waste right now.

"Alright, let\'s get moving and collect the other two, and no big long pit stops! We still have to get back down to the vampires and convince them to come with us. I will also need you to create a containment capsule for Helaina before we go outside. I have a feeling that this mountain is blocking signals from everywhere, including whatever it is that that activates inside of her," I explained to the two golden Meccats, and they both nodded to me.

"Yes, I will make things quick with Davo, and Kiliada will just do whatever we tell him; the man is good like that," Rai Cait explained, and I nodded back.

"I will create a cell that will keep any kind of signals from entering or leaving the area for her to stay in, and that will be comfy. I will also start working on doing scans," Shiva explained, and I thanked her and turned to Helaina.

"You understand why I am doing this, right?" I asked her, and Helaina nodded to me.

"Yes, and I am thankful. Anyone else would have just killed me," Helaina said, and then Shiva piped up as we started to float forward.

"You are not wrong, and I was curious about what the reason was at first, but now I understand what she is trying to do. I am a scientist, and machines are my specialty, so I will help our Queen figure out what is wrong with you. After we do that, then we should be able to help the rest of your sisters. I really don\'t know why no one has thought to try this before," Shiva queried as she dragged her sulking and slightly shorter god husband along with her.

"That is because I think there is another fallen involved with this, and he is being controlled by Tyler. The first step will be to get my people back so I have all my thinkers and know that they are safe. There is a Tellarider loose right now getting into a mountain full of goblins," I explained as we floated, and Rai Cait perked up.

"Hey, that isn\'t where you were before this, right? I saw the Sky folk moving their crazy weapons in space to that area of the world!" Ria Cait said, and I whirled around, making the girl through their arm out to the side for balance.

"What do you mean by a crazy weapon in the sky?" I asked as my mind started to whirl, and then I shook my head, "No! Tell me when we are in the air, now MOVE!"

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