Epic of Bee

Chapter 277 It's Done

Tyler tried to recover and get out of the way, but the BeeBliss slowed him down. The first shot knocked him off his feet, but I didn\'t stop, shooting off both his legs and an arm.

"You will be back, and I will not be so easy on you next time, Ashia! You are destined to be connected to me, no matter how many times you kill me!" Tyler screamed from the ground, where the remains of his body glitched out on the ground.

I dropped the Mega Bee Sting Rifle and stuck another hand out, light filling my palm. I activated all my major spells; I didn\'t care; I was going to kill the shit out of him.

"I might Bee connected to you, Tyler, but you know that it is only a matter of time before I get back whatever is missing. You took something from me, and I will come for you with a vengeance when I get it back!" I growled, my spells all ready.

"You will never get your memories back as long as I breathe in the Everclock! No amount of deaths in the FIRE will ever amount to anything! You only have one life, and I will take it from you to end this all!" Tyler screamed at me, and I activated all three spells at once.

"The difference is that I only need one life! YOLO!" I screamed with a savage smile.

Sunlight pierced through the roof of the dungeon, causing vines to grow and wrap Tyler\'s body, pinning him down. Fire burst over his body and the ground, lighting him on fire; then lightning strikes hit him until the remains of his body were destroyed.

The dungeon fell away from me, taking me to a single white room that had a golden pedestal in the center. Helaina was lying up top, her body curled into a ball.

I smiled and moved forward, walking up to the top of the pedestal. Helaina was still asleep, but each step I took lit up as I stepped on them, and when I got to the last step, Helaina started to move.

"Where… am I?" Helaina asked, but her back was to me.

"I don\'t know, but I am here to take you home with me," I said, and Helaina turned around to face me with a surprised look.

"Ashia?! How are you here… the last thing that I remember is you putting me into the case, and then I woke up here," Helaina exclaimed, and I smiled and bent down to kiss her.

"Everything is going to be okay now," I said as I pulled back, and Helaina looked up at me in confusion.

"You stopped it? How did you do it?" Helaina asked, but I stood back up, offering her a hand.

"Let\'s talk more outside. I am tired of being in this place," I said, and Helaina\'s eyes started to water as she accepted my hand.

The moment she did, the world closed in with only the two of us left to float in darkness. Helaina\'s grip was broken from me as we did, and she was laid down with my hand floating over her.

Reality snapped into place, and I was back standing beside Sakura, her hands still up with magic circles spinning around her. I reached over and pushed her hands down, making her look over at me.

"What are you doing?!" Sakura exclaimed, but I motioned my eyes to Helaina.

"It\'s done. We can let her out now," I said, reaching for the golden coffin, but Sakura\'s hand stopped mine.

"Wait! How can it be done?! We were just worried that you weren\'t going to be able to do it, and now you are ready to open it?! Are you crazy?!" Sakura nearly shouted at me, and I smiled and leaned in, giving her a quick kiss.

"I have been fighting for the last two hours inside her head, and now it is done. She is waiting for us, so let\'s get her out of here,\' I said, and Sakura still looked uneasy, but she nodded.

I put my hand on the coffin, and the entire thing started to melt, and then the Nectargy returned to me, absorbing up my legs. Helaina\'s eyes slowly opened up, but she looked tired and weak.

"Am I really back? Where are we?" Helaina asked as she tried to sit up while rubbing her head.

"Yes, you are back now. We are inside the Meccat Ship that Rai Cait created. Hilda is on her way back with many injured Sky Folk, so we are going to have to go and deal with that. Are you okay to walk, or would you like some more time to rest?" I asked, but Helaina shook her head.

"I am fine; I was just feeling groggy from sleeping. I am fine to walk," Helaina said as she got up with a hand from both Sakura and me.

At the same time, Hilda appeared in a puff of smoke.

"I will be back in five minutes. Please get ready to heal. There are many in critical shape, and they will be the first to come in," Hilda instructed, and I nodded.

"Rai Cait!" I called, and a perfect replica of his form appeared.

"Yes, my Queen?" Rai Cait asked.

"Did you hear Hilda?" I asked.

"Yes, I will direct you to the place that I constructed. It will fit the eighty-five that are still alive. Unfortunately, not all of them survived the trip, but Shiva will take care of the ones in the worst shape," Rai Cait explained, but I shook my head.

"No, that is not needed. Just get everyone in, and I will deal with the healing. I need you to create me a field in the ship," I explained and then looked at Hilda. "Send him the blueprint for the one from the Hive Fortress."

"Confirmed. I will meet you below," Hilda said and then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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