Epic of Bee

Chapter 287 Tagsig's Adventure Pt 3 [R-18]

The Goblin King was not happy to see them when they arrived, and he demanded to know what they wanted.

"I am sure that you know that we have been wandering around talking with goblins, right?" Tag asked, but the Goblin King just laughed at him.

"You think that I am worried about a bunch of gossiping goblins? I have much bigger problems to worry about right now," The Goblin King said, but Sig stepped forward.

"What could be more important than the safety of your people?" He asked, and the Goblin King\'s face softened a bit.

"There is a great threat to our people that has been growing for some time now. We have been fighting it off, but it keeps coming back stronger," The Goblin King said, and Tag frowned.

"What is this threat?" He asked, and the Goblin King sighed.

"A group of Trolls have been attacking our villages and taking our food. They are getting bolder and closer to the palace every day," The Goblin King said, and Sig felt his blood boil.

"When was the last time that these most ferocious creatures attacked?" Sig asked, knowing that the Trolls were now the Queen\'s subjects just like them.

"It has been a week now, but I know that they will strike at any time! But do you think that I can get any of these useless creatures to do anything?!" The Goblin King snapped and then pointed to the goblin girl hiding behind Tag. "You! Small one! What is it that you want most right now?"

"Mmm, more of this man\'s cock, but I am also getting a bit hungry! Maybe I could have some of him again and then eat?" The goblin girl said, looking up at Tag expectantly, and the king groaned.

"You see? This is the same way that all of my subjects are! Useless and more interested in their own pleasure than the safety of our people!" The Goblin King said, and then he looked at Sig. "I suppose that you two want to help us? What can a couple of ferrets do against a group of Trolls?"

"Firstly, your most excellence, the trolls will not be attacking. They are now subjects of my Queen, Ashia," Sig explained as Tag tried to push the Goblin away from him, seeing now that he had bitten off more than he had expected. If Keanu found out about this, Tag would surely be stuck with the girl that he didn\'t even know the name of.

"Ashia? That name sounds familiar, but was she not captured? What is a Bee doing with ferrets and trolls under her command?" The Goblin King asked curiously, and Tag spoke up, still fighting the little golbinette off.

"That is complicated... Get off me! She was not captured, but most of our people were! Dammit, woman, will you calm... oh god," Tag groaned as she latched on to his manhood with slurping noises that almost made Tag\'s knees buckle as he used his tail to balance himself. He tried to push the Goblin away, but she just gobbled him even harder.

"You were saying?" The king asked, and then he and Sig burst into laughter at the bizarre scene that was unfolding as Tag\'s eyes crossed and the goblinette\'s cheek puffed out as he blew his load.

"Fuck!" Tag groaned as she let go of his member, and he jumped back from her defensively. "This is not the time for this! We are here because there is a monster called a Tellarider hiding nearby, trying to take over your goblins slowly and turning them into drones to do work for it. The Sky Folk are getting ready to use a weapon in space called the Divinity Spike that will kill everyone here and for a long way around!"

There was silence as Tag\'s words sank in, but the goblinette didn\'t seem to be listening as she got up, using her finger to wipe some of Tag\'s remains off her chin to lick it off her fingers.

"I think I am full for now, but I like your taste. I will sniff you out when I wake back up from my nap," The female Goblin said, walking past Tag and leaving the room like nothing had just happened.

The Goblin King was silent for a long time, digesting what Tag had said to him, but he finally looked up at them.

"I see... so we are in great danger then?" He asked, and both Sig and Tag nodded their heads.

"Yes, but we can help you! We just need your trust," Sig said, and the Goblin King thought for a moment before he finally nodded his head.

"Very well... I will trust you two since this one is now linked with one of my goblins," He said, and then he stood up from his throne. "Come with me! We have much to discuss!"

"Wait! What do you mean, linked?!" Tag shouted, and Sig started to laugh.

"Oh boy, just wait till Keanu hears this! Oh boy, are you going to be in for it!" Sig laughed, but Tag rounded on his brother, stomping up to him and then sniffing him.

"Ha! You fucked one too! I knew I could smell it! You are going to be in just as much shit as me with Mindy, so you had better just keep your mouth shut, or we both are going to have another set of wives!" Tag snapped, but Sig put up his hands.

"Brother! You say it like it is such a bad thing! I know you just had fun!" Sig laughed, but Tag slapped his brother.

"What is our most important duty?! To protect the Queen! How are we supposed to keep two wives happy and protect our Queen?! How much time have you spent with Mindy since Ashia came into our lives?!" Tag snapped as his brother still laughed.

"Tag, we might be the Queen\'s guards, but it is ignorant to think that we are the only ones. Times are busy now, but things are going to slow down once we can get everyone, and our most excellent Queen will not need us all the time. I think that taking an extra wife or two might be a good idea, right? We are not the same ferrets that we were before the Queen came into our lives, Tag," Sig said, grabbing his brother\'s shoulders and looking into his eyes with a friendly smile, and Tag sighed lightly, pushing his brother back.

"You say that so smoothly, brother of mine, but you and I both know there is hell to pay when we get home," Tag said, and Sig laughed.

"Yeah, we are going to have ringing ears for a day or two, but you know that they will accept the new women like sisters. Come on, let\'s figure out if we can get everyone to safety before the shit starts falling," Sig said, and his brother nodded as the two turned back to the Goblin King, who was looking at them appreciatively.

"It would be nice to have people like you that were so loyal. As you can see, I have no guards or servants. All my people would prefer just to screw each other and eat. The last ruler seemed to control them a bit better, but we have been over-expanding lately, and it had been pissing the trolls off because we were drinking the crystal flowers," the king explained, and Tag smiled.

"Now, that is something that Ashia, our Queen, can handle. If you join her, you will still be in charge of your people, but they will get upgrades that will make them become what they were meant to be. Ashia has a special ability and the support of Gods and Goddesses that are her subjects. You might not be king after, but you will have people that will respect you more; this I can promise you," Tag explained, and the Goblin King nodded, his face much more determined.

"If what you say is true, then I will gladly become a follower of this Ashia. What do we need to do?" The king asked, and Sig grinned.

"For now, we need to get everyone together so that they can be evacuated before the Sky Folk can activate the Divinity Spike," Sig said, and the Goblin King nodded his head as he led them out of the room towards a sitting area to discuss plans.

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