Epic of Bee

Chapter 290 DQ Bee

We arrived at the Divinity Spike within four hours, but we remained out of sight. I was trying to get in contact with Gamble, but even with Hilda\'s and General Kiliada\'s help, we were getting blocked. I had a plan, but I needed to get close enough without them knowing.

"Rai Cait, can the ship fire Helaina and me in the Q Bee and the Neko Bee into the center of that mess of ships?" I asked, and the golden Meccat god looked at me with shock.

"My Queen, that would be very dangerous! You could get killed or worse!" He said, and I shook my head.

"I know it\'s risky, but we need to get down there and stop those idiots from firing the rod. If we don\'t do something soon, they are going to kill thousands of innocent people," I said as I looked out the window at the dozen or so ships surrounding the much larger one in the center with a large rod sticking out of it.

"Hilda, can you boost our signal so Gamble can hear me?" I asked, and Hilda nodded before flying over to a panel on the wall and hitting some buttons.

"Gamble! Can you hear me?!" I yelled into the transmitter as Rai Cait stared at me in shock.

"Ashia?! Is that really you?!" Gamble\'s voice came through loud and clear this time as everyone on board perked up at hearing his voice.

"Yeah, it\'s me! Listen, we need to stop those idiots from firing that rod. Do you have any sort of plan?" I asked as I looked over at Rai Cait, who was now shaking his head.

"Not anything good, but with you making it here, that changes everything. They are about to fire the rod, but I need a distraction to sabotage the Track Slider," Gamble explained, and I wasn\'t against it, but now that I could get a lock on his locations, I could just end this all much faster.

"I will just come and get you and then take the station out," I said, but Gamble was quick to reply.

"My Queen, there are innocents on board here that were forced to come work here. Not just Sky Folk!" Gamble said desperately, and I slammed my fist down in frustration. I hadn\'t even thought about that.

"Alright, I will think of something, but you need to hurry and do what you need to, and we will provide the distraction for you to sabotage the Track Slider, but remember that there are also more than just our people on the ground. I know that I can trust you with this, but I also know that Brand is a vicious Badger with claws, so Bee careful," I warned, and Gamble laughed, which made me smile despite myself.

"Oh, how I have missed our talks, my Queen. I can\'t wait for this to be all over and to get everyone back so we can go back to the way things were," Gamble said, and his words made me put one hand to my mouth as I became choked up at his words. I missed everyone so much, and I just wanted my family back.

"We will. I promise you that you can go back to creating new amazing things that I couldn\'t even dream of! Bee Safe!" I said as tears rolled down my face, and both Helaina came over to give me a hug as I cried. This had been such a long journey to get to this point, and Gambles\' words hit me because I really just wanted things to go back to the way they were when we were all adventuring.

"The treads are clear now, my Queen. I know you can see them, and just remember to follow your instincts. I can tell that you have grown so much since the last time that I saw you, so give them hell for making our lives so damn complicated!" Gamble called back as the line cut off, and I wiped my tears before nodding at Rai Cait.

"Prepare to fire us into their ships!" I called out as I turned, but both girls were standing holding hands.

"I want to be your wife, and then I want a robot to come out with you!" Sakura said as she let go of Helaina\'s hand and got down on one knee, and I had to hold back my laugh.

"You mean a Drone? If this is really what you want, then rise. None of my wives or subjects kneel to me," I said, taking Sakura\'s hand and helping her to her feet.

She nodded as she wrapped her arms around my waist and looked at me with bright eyes.

"I love you, my Queen," Sakura said, and I smiled as I leaned down and kissed her fast but passionately.

[Queen System] Activated!

[Target: Subject: Sakura] Acquired!

[Trait: Royal Wife] Given!

[Drone Construction] Activated!

[Targeting: Royal Wives: Sakura & Helaina]

[Construction of Demon Neko Bee (Sakura) & Lighting Longshot Bee (Helaina)]


The messages rolled as I floated us to the Drone bay of the ship, preparing myself mentally for the fight ahead. The ships on the scanner that were out there were not just normal ships. No, they were some of the most advanced that I had seen, but I wasn\'t afraid because I knew that we could take them. All we needed was a distraction for Gamble to do his thing, and then we could finish this all up.

"Sakura, Helaina! It\'s time to go!" I called out as the girls got into their Drones and floated up into my Q Bee, running my hand on the surface of the head. The Q Bee and I had been through such intense battles, but this one would be pushing things to the limit. "I need your help again, Q Bee, but I know that we can do it. I have faith in you like everyone has faith in me."

It felt strange to talk to a robot, but then suddenly, Nectary energy started to pour from my hand, and Q Bee started to change. The energy swirled around us like a mini tornado as Hilda appeared in her little boxy bee form.

[Target: Subject: Q Bee] Acquired!

[Trait: Evolution] Given!

[Subject Evolving]

[Q Bee Evolving into DQ Bee]

[DQ Bee Created!]

The messages appeared as I felt the energy entering my body, and when it was done, I looked down at my hands to see they were now covered in red scales. My nails had grown longer and sharper, and when I flexed my fingers, tiny metal claws extended from the tips.

"What the hell?!" Sakura exclaimed as she looked at me with wide eyes while Helaina just stared in shock.

"I don\'t know, but we will have to worry about that later! Right now, we need to focus on getting ready to fight!" I said as Q Bee transformed around me into a larger Dragon form. The DQ Bee was still black and yellow, but now it had red accents and looked more menacing.

"Alright, let\'s do this!" Sakura said as she gripped the controls tightly, and I felt the DQ Bee start to move, and some people guided us to launching tubes, but I had to wait briefly as mine was made bigger for my new form.

[My Queen, I am happy to hear that you have faith in me. I promise you that we will get our family back.]

I froze in shock as a female voice that had very little emotion in it spoke in my mind.

[DQ Bee: Queen System Activated]

The message popped up as I felt my mind starting to link with the DQ Bee, and I could see everything that she could. It was like an out-of-body experience as I saw myself from the DQ Bee\'s perspective, and then we were launched into the center of all the ships.

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