Epic of Bee

Chapter 296 Going Home

I targeted the Flying Hive Fortress and turned on my afterburners. I wanted nothing more than to get home as fast as possible, so I could see everyone, and it looked like my home was headed toward the old Skunk Village, where Miku, Rixie, and the rest were all waiting.

As much as I was excited to see everyone, part of me was slightly worried. It hadn\'t been that long since I had seen the girls, but I was coming home with two wives when I had even added Serria and Rixie yet.

"You look worried about something, Ashia? What is wrong?" Helaina asked as they came into view of the massive golden upside-down teardrop that was surrounded by the Hexscape at the bottom. There were some buildings on it already, but they were all the ones that I had placed before leaving.

"I am just Bee-side myself, but I am sure that it will be for nothing. I am coming home with new wives, and I am nervous about how you will all react to each other," I explained, and Sakura giggled and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"If they can handle your puns, they should be fine with you bringing home new wives. You are the Queen, after all, and Lesbian honest, you are the one that runs this show from what I can tell. You know, being the Queen and all," Sakura giggled, and I kissed her back, and I knew that she was right.

This was my harem, and I had built it how I wanted. The girls were all down for whatever, as long as everyone was comfortable with what we did, and I trusted that would stay the same. Besides, this ship gave us plenty of places to hide, so there didn\'t need Bee any awkward encounters until everyone got used to each other.

"Alright, all hands on deck! All wives to the bridge now that we are in docking range," I commanded over the intercom as soon as we were close enough.

"Yes, Ashia!" They all said excitedly at once. Even though it hadn\'t been that long since I had left, it still felt like forever since I was able to hold them close and have a happy family night together with everyone. I couldn\'t wait any longer!

"I love you, girls," I said, pulling Helaina and Sakura into a tight three-way hug that they were all too happy as DQ Bee\'s entered the docking hangar. The place was filled to the brim with my people, that screamed as I slowly floated in. Instantly, my eyes were filled with tears as the girls hugged me, and I slowly docked DQ Bee in her Epic Bee form, and the cockpit opened as I slowly floated out.

The people had been lively when I had entered the hangar, but the moment I floated out, everyone lost it, and the sounds were deafening, but I let everyone scream their hearts out. My wives were not down here, but they would be up top waiting for me. Now it was time to talk to my people, but I had to wait for everyone to quiet down.

"Everyone !" I cried out, and they finally quieted. "I love you all! Your happiness is my number one priority, and I would never let anything happen to any of you. Thank you for your support while I was away. I know things have been tough, but we can\'t rest now! There are three Wasp Queens that need my help, just like Helaina here! I need everyone to get ready to move! Once we finish this, then we can go back to the way things were! While I was so gone, I collected over a Million new subjects, so we will have to do some serious expanding!"

They erupted again into cheers as I flew up through the opening in the ceiling of the hangar. The moment my wives saw me, they all started to sob as they rushed forward and hugged me tightly.

"I am home now," I said as tears streamed down my face and joined in on their cries of happiness. I was finally home with everyone that I loved together again, safe and sound!

"I am so glad that you are safe and sound! When you left, all of us were worried about you," Messia explained, and I nodded, kissing her and Miasma.

"I would like to introduce you all to the newest addition to the Wives," I explained as I pulled back with a warm smile to the Wasp and Cat Folk, that was standing awkwardly, and the women left me to swarm the two of them, leaving me along.

"You are a Wasp Queen?! Xani exclaimed, and Helaina nodded.

"Thanks to your Queen, I am free from the W1 Virus and no longer have to worry about swarming. Ashia is a truly amazing person!" Helaina explained, but then Pixie and Talli came running through the Honey Gate and nearly tackled me to the ground as more women poured through.

​ "Ashia!" Miku squealed as she ran over to me, pushing past the two bee girls to get into my arms. The moment she was, Miku started to land kisses all over my face, but when she landed on my lips, I helped my little Ferret Folk Wife and kissed her passionately.

Once Miku let go, I saw that Serria had also just walked into the room through the Honey Gate. Now all my girls were here.

"It is so good to Bee back! I am not Kitten when I say this has been a long journey, but during this time, I was forced to grow, and so were all of you. I am proud of each and every one of you for everything that you have done! We not only saved the Goblins, but we are going to stop the swarm wars, and there will be no more tributes to the Sky Folk. From this day forward, my wives, family, and friends, and lastly, you all as my subjects, we are going to work on figuring out how to get rid of Trent and help clean up any other problems in the world. At some point, we will be leaving this world, and I will be asking all of you to job our people and me as well. I am going to need everyone\'s help for when it is time to head to the Everclock," I explained, and everyone nodded.

"Wherever you go, I go, my wife and Queen," Messia said and walked up with Miasma to kiss me, and Miku left to go. My Skunk and Bee wives seemed to have grown much closer in my absence, and that reminded me of something I had said a while back.

"You know, you two are looking pretty cute together, and I have had a lot of time to think while I was gone," I explained as both women hugged me but then gave me strange looks. "It is not that I think that this type of thing where I just disappear is going to happen again, but even if it doesn\'t, I think that we should have a sit down now and talk about how things should be going forward. We will do that down in my room so everyone can get us moving," I said, then put my fingers to the side of my head and targeted to boys and Rai Cait, but I also let all levels of the Flying Hive Fortress here this as well.

"Tag and Sig? Can you meet us at the location that I am sending you? I also sent you the location of Rai Cait. Once you are done emptying the Divinity Spike, save the skeleton crew you leave, I want you to come to meet with our ship. I want you to empty out, and then we are all going to go as a small strike team and hit each one of the nest fast when everyone else sets up a long-range distraction. The point will be not to hurt any of the Wasps if we can help it. They are not in control of their facilities and are being controlled by their Queens that are infected with the W1 Virus, and I am the only one that can remove it," I explained, and then sucked in another breath. "I know that things have been hard on everyone this past week, but I promise you that things will become easier after this. I just need you all to give it your all now and help me finally put an end to the Swarm Wars that have been plaguing you for longer than I have been alive!" I shouted and then heard cheers erupt as people ran to do as I commanded.

As much as what I just said needed to be done, there was something that had been bothering me, and I wanted to have a private meeting with my 6 wives and then the two others that I already had planned for.

"Wives and to-be-wives! Let\'s head down to my room!" I called, and we all went over to the Levi-Pad, but we had to go down in two trips.

My harem was getting much bigger, but so was my number of subjects, and you know what that means!

It was time for some upgrades!

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