The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 265: The Bodhisattva Ritual Grounds

There were over twenty ashwolves in the woods. Their fur were lustrous and glowing with a metallic sheen while their bloody maws were lined with snow white teeth akin to daggers. Terror and spite could be seen in their eyes as they constantly retreated.

The battle against Chu Feng was quite anticlimactic as the ten odd wolves that had charged towards Chu Feng were all slapped to death.

As a lineage that had given birth to a beast king soon after the upheavals, the Ashwolf Tribe used to be superior to many other tribes.

If only the Ashwolf King were alive, he would probably have severed four or five shackles by now.

Unfortunately, he had obeyed the Peacock King’s commands to cause turmoil around the highlands and distract the human race experts, paying the ultimate price in the process. The tribe had also declined since then.

"Demon King Chu, we’ll fight it out with you. You killed our king and caused our race to become a weak lineage, you murderer!"

These ashwolves were all desperate because they felt Chu Feng wouldn’t show them any mercy. They had no hope to live even if they begged.

"Aou..." The wolf pack howled. Each of them was incomparably fierce, their jaws glowing with a bloody light. The smell of blood permeated the wind as they flashed forth to attack Chu Feng.

The inherently bloodthirsty wolf race had thrown all caution to the wind. Even against a beast king, their only thought was to go all out for the kill.

Unfortunately, they didn’t have the slightest chance against Chu Feng—the distance between them was simply too great—there was no way for them to harm him even if he stood there and let them bite to their heart’s content.

"The Ashwolf King killed over 700,000 people in a bloody massacre, and yet, you lot have the audacity to call me a murderer?!"

Chu Feng’s spoke calmly and produced the scarlet flying knife. Without further delay, a red flood dragon danced through the air and decapitated them in turn.

The sounds of heads rolling could be heard continuously as the mutated ashwolves were all decapitated.

There were no old nor handicapped wolves here; all were mutant experts of the tribe.

Chu Feng walked out of the woods in large strides and advanced towards the main peak of Mount Putuo. The vegetation here, after the great upheaval, was green, lush and exuded a dense spiritual aura.

The greatest change was that the whole island had expanded countless times.

He arrived at the main peak of Mount Puto only after a long walk.

The jade bamboo were dancing in the cool breeze amidst rustling sounds while the pensive toll of bronze bells came from the temple. It was truly a calming scene.

Chu Feng began the climb in light steps.

Originally, Mount Putuo wasn’t even three hundred meters in height and could even be considered the shortest among the famed mountains, but now, it had become incomparably vast and majestic. Its height had reached nearly ten thousand meters and was towering over the land with golden radiance flowing at its peak as if bathed in a Buddhist aura.

"Could this be its true appearance?" Chu Feng sighed. This mountain, now surrounded by numerous auspicious clouds, had risen to such heights from a mere three hundred meters. It could be considered a complete change.

Pines and cypresses adorned the mountain along with large patches of bamboo forests; all were full of vitality. A few ancient temples were hidden within the sea of bamboo which, despite their dilapidation, were emanating a sacred aura.

It was indeed no longer the same as before.

The stone steps up the mountain were carved since ancient times and carried with them the flavor of the vicissitudes which the previous 300-meter mountain lacked.


The leisurely toll of the great bell could seemingly rouse the deaf to enlightenment.

There was a bronze pavilion halfway up the mountain, in which hung a large bell which tolled with considerable grandeur.

Chu Feng was astonished. He approached to size up the bell, confirming that it was indeed just a bell and not a magical weapon.

He once again climbed over a thousand meters, passing numerous structures and ancient temples along the way. There were also a few recently constructed human villas.

"Bodhi Biogenetics sure works fast."

Chu Feng saw many people busily working on the finishing touches of the villa district.

At first, none of them noticed him, but Chu Feng later approached a collection of ancient temples because he found some mutant trees nearby. They had long since flowered and bore fruit, which had already been picked.

"Halt, who goes there?!"

Someone walked out of the ancient temple to obstruct his advance.

"A traveler. Am I not allowed to climb the mountain?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"You, Chu Feng!" The person was shocked.

Although the Ashwolf Tribe had released the news, not everyone had been paying attention to the news on the internet. Especially since they were quite busy here, none of them had time to pay attention to these matters.

"Wasn’t it said that you were badly wounded and on the verge of death? Why are you here?" There were no monks within the temple and only mutants. All of them were greatly astonished to see Chu Feng.

They wanted to report to the summit immediately as they were uncertain why Demon King Chu had climbed the mountain.


All communicators in the room were shattered in the blink of an eye.

With a brush of his hand, all these mutants blacked out and collapsed onto the ground.

He walked around the area and dug up the soil near these mutant trees to see if there was any suitable soil with which to plant the seed in the stone box.

In the end, he could only sigh in dejection because the soil quality here was insufficient.

But Mount Putuo was over ten thousand meters in height and he had only climbed six thousand meters at the moment. There might still be hope at the summit.


Chu Feng raised his speed and rushed upwards. Very soon, he was already approaching the summit.

The vast area here was covered in dense spiritual aura and patches of violet bamboo swaying in the gentle wind.

"There really is a lustrous purple bamboo forest!"

Chu Feng was amazed as he glanced down the mountain. The boundlessly vast jade ocean was touching the distant skies while the sun’s radiance fell upon its surface like specks of gold.

The sounds of Buddhist chants became increasingly clear after arriving here. They were dignified and hallowed as if being transmitted from a Buddhist kingdom.

Chu Feng revealed an odd expression. "It’s been said that Mount Putuo was the Ritual Grounds of the Bodhisattva Guanyin. Seeing the jade sea suffused with golden radiance and the violet bamboo groves flowing with spirituality, it almost seems enlightening."

It was likely that a supreme mutant had left various legends around this place before finally becoming an almighty being.

The scenery here was exquisite but Bodhi Biogenetics didn’t dare touch the violet bamboo grove recklessly and ultimately decided to build the villa district elsewhere as if they were apprehensive about certain things. The dazzling bamboo grove certainly made one think of many things.

Almost everyone was familiar with the legends surrounding the Bodhisattva and the purple bamboo of the southern sea.

Chu Feng looked around the place for more clues and was shaken. He arrived at a pavilion within the bamboo forest as he advanced unhurriedly along the stone path. There he saw a certain beautiful figure holding a Buddhist scripture in her hands.

Her fine hair flowed like a waterfall down her graceful back and her figure, the definition of perfection. The lustrous purple bamboo grove was suffused with a thin misty veil akin to a heavenly realm. Seeing such a person induced many fanciful thoughts.

Chu Feng didn’t hide his approaching footsteps and directly walked towards this seemingly transcendent figure.

A faint fragrance was coming from a cup of green tea on the stone table.

The Buddhist scripture was mottled, ancient and had long since turned yellow as if it was an inheritance thousands of years old but the hand upon it was pristine and white. The stark contrast was distinct and exceptional.

The lady turned around the moment she had sensed his arrival, her long black hair dancing lustrously behind her. She possessed an oval face, fair white complexion and curved brows above her black gem-like eyes which shone with great spirit.

It could be said that her countenance was the picture of perfection and one could hardly find any fault therein.

She was previously reading the scripture in a state of ephemeral tranquility, but she was completely astonished at the moment. Her red lips had parted wide to reveal her pearly white teeth, and her large eyes stared at Chu Feng in great shock.

"How come you’re here?!" she involuntarily cried out.

"I’ve come to spank your Bodhi Biogenetics in the butt!" Chu Feng replied.

The lady stood up; the scene of her lithe and refined figure against the spiritual violet bamboo grove in the background was just like a painting.

Chu Feng revealed an odd expression. He naturally recognized this young lady before him but felt that her temperament was vastly different from before.

The Jiang Luoshen of the past was undoubtedly garish and beautiful—how otherwise would she be known as the national goddess—there was a hint of grace and charm amidst her beauty.

It was said that she had obtained certain qualities of the white nine-tailed fox after her awakening as a mutant, and eventually, her charm and allure would gradually become incomparable.

But now her temperament was somewhat ephemeral and almost transcendent. With a Buddhist scripture in hand, she appeared calm and withdrawn almost like a female Buddha.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to maintain this grace for very long. Her temperament vanished abruptly the moment she saw Chu Feng. Her brows were knitted every so slightly as she stared at Chu Feng. "It’s said that you suffered grievous wounds and had vanished for many days. So, you’ve actually been hiding on our Mount Putuo."

It was as if the two were inherently antagonistic.

"Have you been isolated for so long that you’re unaware of the commotion in the outside world?" Chu Feng laughed. "I came here of my own accord and it’s not to hide."

"You don’t plan to rob Mount Puto from us do you?" Jiang Luoshen’s eyes shifted towards him. "I advise you to leave quickly. It’s quite dangerous on the mountain."

"Ha, isn’t it just a collusion with the beast race? You have a certain bird king holding the fort here, right? It so happens that I came to kill him!" Chu Feng indifferently laughed.

"You..." Jiang Luoshen was astonished.

Chu Feng’s expression was frosty. "To speak the truth, I came to settle some scores. I just hope Bodhi Biogenetics didn’t scheme against me in secret. Otherwise, I’ll flatten this mountain!"

"Demon King Chu, what nonsense are you babbling about?" Jiang Luoshen was puzzled and upset. She felt the other party wasn’t joking at all.


Chu Feng delivered a slap as he walked past. The sound was crisp and melodious.

Of course, the slap wasn’t to the face. Her perfectly round buttocks trembled slightly due to the impact.

"You..." She was absolutely furious. Her transcendent aura had been utterly destroyed as she assumed a threatening posture, ready to pounce forward.

"What I really wanted to tell you is that you shouldn’t make a big fuss about king level entities. At the same time, I also want you to know that despite our friendship I won’t be showing any mercy at all to your Bodhi Biogenetics if they’re found to be scheming against me."

Chu Feng spoke so calmly that one could hardly see him as a dangerous person.

Jiang Luoshen, however, was absolutely convinced at that moment. Her intuition was telling her that Demon King Chu wasn’t bluffing and that he had come with the intention to kill.

"Whatever happened to you? Why do you think Bodhi Biogenetics is scheming against you?" Jiang Luoshen calmed herself and explained, "It’s true that we had worked together with the Peacock Tribe to conquer and share this mountain, but we were never involved in their schemes against you."

"Your words don’t mean much." With that Chu Feng proceeded to climb the mountain at his usual pace, crossing hundreds of meters with every step.

Jiang Luoshen was shaken, and astonishment was evident on her beautiful face. In truth, she wasn’t very confident about this matter. Could it be that those old fogeys had participated in the scheme against Chu Feng?

The next moment, she began to rush up the mountain after Chu Feng, her long legs moving swiftly and gracefully. However, she was only able to see the shadow of Chu Feng’s back. His speed was extremely fast despite moving with unhurried steps.

Mount Putuo’s summit was ten thousand meters high and enshrouded in golden radiance amidst flowing purple clouds. It was hidden by large bamboo groves and adorned by numerous ancient temples. Buddhist chants, seemingly from a distant era, echoed throughout the summit.

Chu Feng put his hands behind his back and observed the magnificent Buddhist halls. There was a Bodhi Tree rooted before a certain ancient structure, its trunk was as thick as a water tank. Its aged barks were cracked and its leaves were a light golden color.

"Very good, that divine tree in front of the thousand-year-old temple had only just begun to unfurl its young leaves and hadn’t yet developed buds." Chu Feng’s eyes were deep and clear.

Naturally, the tree and the ancient temples weren’t on Mount Putuo before. Now, the mountain itself was incomparably divine, standing tens thousand meters tall. It was enshrouded in golden radiance and purple mist amidst flowing Buddhist lights.

The place was supposed to be covered in ice and snow, but now, it was temperate and surging with vitality.

"This place is likely the ritual grounds of a supreme evolved being. Perhaps there’ll be some exceptional items left behind," Chu Feng thought.

In truth, Chu Feng hadn’t concealed his aura when he climbed the mountain. This alarmed everyone in the vicinity.

Jiang Luoshen caught up to him only at this point. She was panting heavily and her radiant countenance was stained with beads of sweat. It was obviously difficult for her to catch up to a peerless expert.

"Amitabha Buddha!"

An old monk appeared. He was seemingly over a hundred years old. He appeared thin and almost emaciated with pale yellow skin. Clad in monastic robes akin to a golden arhat, he moved with inconceivable speed like a bolt of lightning and appeared suddenly before Chu Feng.

"Monk, please stand back. I’ll settle the score with the Peacock Tribe first. It’ll be Bodhi’s turn only a while later." Chu Feng’s hands were still clasped behind his back. He was calm and fearless even in the face of such an unfathomable golden monk.

Chu Feng turned his gaze to a different ancient temple from which he sensed the aura of a few experts from the Peacock Lineage.

The doors of that temple opened with a long squeak and some people emerged from within. They were all experts from the Peacock Tribe.

They were all extremely handsome, as if their race was specifically favored by the heavens. They all possessed exceptional beauty after taking on human form. Their facial features were exquisite, and their long violet hair flowed gracefully behind them.

"Chu Feng, you’ve barged into our tribe’s grounds!" a beautiful man from the Peacock Tribe spoke. He appeared to be over twenty years of age, but his strength was exceptional and had already reached the quasi-king level.

Their race’s experts increased in number as the world changed and time passed by.

"You’ve spoken too lightly. I came to kill!" Chu Feng glared at them.

"Our tribal king is a widely known to be peerless. He won’t let you go if you dare act recklessly. If you’re so skilled then go pick a fight with him," said the young quasi-king.

Chu Feng calmly replied, "I did want to fight him but he ran away! Furthermore, he’s really crossed the line this time—he dares to use my parents as bait and threaten my family—I’ve come knocking on the door to kill his tribe!"

"You dare!" a beautiful young Peacock Tribe member shouted. Her violet hair danced wildly behind her as cold fury clouded her pristine face. As members of the Peacock Tribe, they were innately proud. Normally, no one dared to trifle with them, and they had gotten used to the arrogance.

"It’s not like I’ve never killed those of your race before, why wouldn’t I dare? And since you dare speak to me like this, I’ll start with you!" Chu Feng brandished his fist from where he stood.


The fist intent was simply too terrifying. The energy was majestic and brilliant like an exploding sun as it shot towards the target.

"You..." The expressions of the Peacock Race member rapidly changed.

The beautiful violet-haired lady wanted to run. She possessed strength at the ninth level of the awakened realm and was quite outstanding, but she was completely unable to evade.

She had only begun to rush upwards before she was struck by the blazing fist intent. With a pfft, she was sent flying and disintegrated soon afterwards. There was no way for her to survive.

"Demon King Chu, how dare you! Aren’t you afraid our peerless king will come to you for revenge?!" the Peacock Tribe youth loudly shouted as his eyes turned red.

"Let him come find me; I only fear he wouldn’t dare! Anyone who touches my family is touching my reverse scale. I shall repay him in a similar fashion!"

"Run!" Someone urged the others to flee.

They were full of dissent. No one had ever dared to act unbridled towards the Peacock Tribe but this Demon King Chu was prepared to start a massacre.

"Who dares flee?!" Chu Feng stared at them coldly.


The red-eyed youth spread his wings and began to fly away.

"Let’s go!" the other’s whispered among themselves, realizing that only death awaited them if they lingered.


Chu Feng merged the demon flood dragon and demon ox roars to release a terrifying sound wave attack. His whole body was glowing brilliantly like a terrifying sun as golden ripples spread out from his mouth.

The terrifying sound waves shook the earth, skies, mountains, and rivers.


The Peacock youth exploded mid-air and formed a bloody mist.

Chu Feng had yet to move from his original spot. A single roar had killed an expert and caused the whole mountaintop to tremble.


A Peacock Tribe girl loudly screamed as she lost all color on her face.

"Amitabha Buddha!" The old monk enshrouded in golden light was secretly shaken. This attack was even more terrifying than their Buddhist Lion Roar.

Many from Bodhi Biogenetics bore witness to this scene. They were all dumbfounded and thoroughly shaken. They couldn’t help but sigh after seeing notorious the Demon King Chu in action. He was indeed terrifying as expected.

Ripples spread across Jiang Luoshen’s heart as she stood far behind, gazing at the scene with wide eyes. Her mind trembled after realizing how inconceivably powerful Chu Feng had become during this period.

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