Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 13 - 13

The chastity pill was a pill that Choko got from her mother. When swallowed it took only two minutes to take effect and the woman who swallowed the pill would die and her body would start to rot very quickly. Even if someone dared to do "that" with the woman\'s corpse, he too would die soon after, contracting an incurable disease.

Choko started fighting hand-to-hand against a thief who was holding a dagger and was level 5, just like herself. However she was at a disadvantage, as these thieves were used to fighting people while she was just used to fighting monsters.

Jana conjured a fireball and attacked the group of thieves\' archers, but however strong her attack was, it was still easy for them to dodge. Unfazed by this, Jana shouted:

"Fire Arrow Rain!"

Five arrows of fire appeared five meters above Jana\'s head and were directed to attack the two bandit archers.

*Booom!* *Booom!* *Booom!*


The arrows of fire hit the ground successively, however one of the arrows of fire hit the leg of the archer who had his long hair tied up in a ponytail.

"You whore!" The ponytail archer screamed angrily. He gritted his teeth in pain. The other archer was able to conjure water with his mana and used it to put out the fire on the ponytail archer\'s leg.

"Stop being stupid and attack together you incompetents!" The bandit leader shouted at his men.

The bandits seemed to fear their leader and even though they were ridiculed by him, it did not phase them as they started attacking in groups.

The fight continued for a few minutes and Choko\'s group started to tire.



Jair, who was unable to dodge the attack by the bandit leader in time, had a part of his belly cut by the bandit leader\'s ax. Blood started to flow out and his face grew pale. He was already tired and could no longer hope to win, but he still stood his ground and shouted, "Choko, Jana! Run away now! Don\'t let my death be in vain!"

Breno, being a man of few words, held his spear tightly. He had sharp eyes and was determined to die alongside Jair, holding back the group of bandits for the two girls to flee.

"Hahaha," The bandit leader laughed out loud, "It\'s too late to try to run away. You\'re all going to die here and now... Of course, we\'ll have fun with these girls first. Kekekeke!"

The other bandits who were once down, now, because of their number of people being greater, were still full of energy, whereas Choko\'s group was already tired. Seeing their leader laugh, all the bandits laughed together and started to lick their dry lips, imagining the near future.

"Leader, I haven\'t tried a woman of such high quality in a long time," A bald thug said as he looked lustfully at Choko.

"Kisame, it\'s your lucky day. I\'ll let you all taste these women! Hahaha!" The bandit leader was now genuinely happy. He saw that this group of teenagers had some good things on them and what made him happy the most was Choko.

Choko had very white skin and looked incredibly soft with an exceptionally beautiful body, full of curves and flesh in all the right places. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. If it weren\'t for the fact that he feared she might betray him, he would let her live and make her his woman.



A blue light streaked down from the sky, and something the size of a strawberry hit the chest of one of the archer thieves and stopped his heart, killing him instantly without even giving him a chance to scream.

"Who is it?" The bandit leader was on full alert.

In the sky the bandits saw a winged woman flying with a pair of white wings slightly darkened by pink feathers, with a face and body straight out of another world. For these lustful bandits, seeing this winged woman almost made drooling waterfalls cascade from their mouths.

"Who I am?" The winged woman pointed at herself, a smile appearing on her pretty face as she said, "I am..."

"Nero!" she said proudly as if her name was something that should be remembered.

\'Where did this crazy girl come from?\' The leader of the bandit group thought while remaining cautious. Although he didn\'t know this girl and never heard of her, he had a strange sense of danger the moment he saw her.

Despite having someone arriving and apparently wanting to help them, Choko and her group were on alert, not giving themselves a chance to be attacked unawares by the thieves.

"Don\'t be afraid. I guarantee I don\'t bite." Nero\'s silhouette appeared behind a bandit in a dark green cloak. Her smile was as bright as the sun.

Of course, in the eyes of the man with the dark green cloak, it was more like a devil\'s smile...

"However... I\'m going to punch you!" Before the thief with the dark green cloak could react, Nero punched his back very hard and the sound *crack!* echoed, and before the bandit could bother to understand, he felt a huge pain in his back. His entire body was then thrown out in a bizarre "U" shape, falling heavily on the forest floor.



The thief screamed and writhed on the ground in pain. He couldn\'t even get up; his spine ended up splitting in half from the impact of Nero\'s punch. Just then, Nero realized how strong her punch could be. After all, this was a thief who was at level 4.

Just before she was about to be counter attacked, Nero flapped her wings and flew up. Although she was not an expert on using her wings, she now had some experience and would not be easily caught by these thieves. As she flew, she materialized a rock in her left hand. Looking down, she searched for her next target.


Choko and the rest were so surprised that they were stunned as they looked at Nero flying in the air. She was agile, decisive, powerful, and incredibly beautiful... However, to the thieves, as lustful as they were over her, Nero seemed something even more frightening than a level 7 monster.

The bald thief who had fled Nero before, seeing her again, felt fear in his heart. Even worse, she seemed to be stronger, which was surprising since it was not so long ago that he had just fought against her.

"Hey, hey... watch out for those arrows!" Nero screamed from the air as she dodged the arrows the thieves shot at her.

{Edited by: Azurtha}

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